Chapter 23- Oh What Disasters Await This Time?

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" I think this is where Ema said Kageura Semapi is ... " I muttered tentatively . I was scared stiff of Kageura but I also admired him a lot . I wanted him to teach me how to use scorpion like how he did . I wanted to be as prepared for the neighbor war as possible and I had gotten Jin and Karasuma to find some ways to prepare me over the next few months . They had called a few people and arranged for training . Oddly enough most of the people on the small list I was given were people either did not know or did not associate with but Once they weren't intending to kill me I really didn't care .My schedule was gonna be packed for a few weeks but hey what was new about that .

Sure enough I felt myself tense as I saw two trainees , rid of their trion forms , running away screaming . That was a telltale sign that Kageura was nearby

I steadied my breath and cursed my shaking hands. Kageuras's side effect made it all the worse . I hoped my admiration would rule out my terror as I approached the tousled black hair that showed close by

I felt a tiny amount of trion disconnect from a larger amount . I sensed trion in different ways , like each different kind had different auras and this aura was a weapon disconnecting from a border agent . It was heading straight for me and was about to hit me in less than a second . Quick as lightning I jumped over the scorpion that barely managed to fly past me before I carefully landed on my toes

Now I knew for certain that Kageura was here

" How did you manage to dodge my scorpion shrimp ? " asked a cold voice that slurred his words and sent a terrified chill down my spine .

I folded my fist and touched my palm as I bowed respectfully

" K-Konnechiwa K-Kageura S-Sempai " I Stuttered scared!y , once again cursing my fear

" You're the Akimata kid Kyosuke talked about ? " He said , glaring at me with his slit pupils

I fearfully nodded

" You're late midget ! " He told me loudly and coldly

"G-Gommenasai ! " I stammered as my whole body shook . I wasn't normally scared this easily but Kageura was another story all together

" If you want to be my Kohai you could at least make the attempt to show up early . " He scoffed , scowling at me and showing his oddly sharp , spiky teeth .

" Why does Kyosuke even see in you . You're too young to even be a Border agent " He said turning away

" I-I'm 14 Kageura Sempai " I told him quietly

" How are you 14 and so small ? You better not be lying or you'll pay . " He snarled as he stood

I detected another weapon and moved smoothly and quickly to the side as it flew less than an inch away from my shoulder

He looked at me and put his hands in his pockets as he stomped off

I sighed . My offer had clearly been declined

" Hey Shrimp . " He said without turning around as he stopped for a second

" Don't you dare start thinking I have a soft spot for you but ... I'll teach you when you get 5,000 points " He said before he continued walking away

I felt a slow smile spread across my face

" Arigato ! " I called after him

He snorted " Trainees get excited too easily

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