Chapter 3

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The week went on boringly without Braxton there to entertain me with his theories on what teachers do on the weekends, their very…imaginative, plus I had the Landon problem nipping at my feet, he always seemed to pop into my head at the most annoying times.  When the weekend came I was more than relieved. The weekends are the only days that I don’t have to worry about school bitches. I can just kick back with My chem music and Netflix in my PJ’s or go over to Braxton’s house. This Saturday none of those are an option, because this weekend is Toby’s birthday party. I usually skip out on most family events but this was Toby’s 6th birthday, and I promised him I would be there. He’s basically the only family member I actually enjoy being around… most of the time. This is how I found myself rolling out of bed and shuffling to the shower. After going through my daily shower routine of singing random songs and mashing them together at the top of my lungs while trying not to get conditioner in my eyes and mouth, I hop out of the shower and wrap both my body and my hair in a fluffy black towel.

Humming the tune of “Gives you Hell” by All American Rejects, I walk with a little sway back to my room. I turn on the actual song and put my IPhone on shuffle while I dance to the song using my hairbrush as a make-shift mic. I make my way over to my dresser and grab my all time low for Baltimore shirt and my old purple sweatpants to match the purple lettering on my shirt.

As I carefully try to put my shirt on over my head without ruining my head towel that’s still holding my soaking wet hair up, the song “fall for you” by Second Hand Serenade comes on. God, I love this song! Involuntarily I start to sway my hips to the song as I pull my sweat pants up over my underwear; softly singing the lyrics to myself. I slowly take the towel out of my hair and throw it on my bed and start brushing the brown monstrosity out. “Cause tonight will be the night that I will fall for you over again. Don’t make me change my mind or I won’t live to see another day I swear it’s true. Because a girl like you is impossible to find, you’re impossible to find.”  I sing along as the song ends.

Why mom? Why did you have to give me your hair?! I mentally scream as I give up on taming the brown beast and throw it into a sloppy bun at the back of my head, ignoring the bags under my eyes as I throw open the door and tip-toe into Toby’s room. I smirk when I see that he’s still asleep, but I don’t know why it’s like 9 o’clock in the morning he should be up already.  

A light bulb turns on in my mind when I see a plastic Chile’s cup on his nightstand. Perfect.

Using my super stealthy spy genes, and the helpful spy theme music playing in my head, I successfully get the cup and retreat from his room and back to mine without waking him. Mission accomplished! I do a little victory touchdown dance before heading back to the bathroom to fill the cup with water. James Bond would be so proud of me.  I wonder if James Bonds had a little brother. Did he pull the same thing I just did?! I can see a younger James Bond doing this.

The cold water starts to pour over and onto my hand causing me to jerk back in surprise and slosh the water all over the counter. Oh well. 

  After dumping out some of the water I skillfully tip-toe back into his room and crouch down by his bed. 1,2,3, SPLASH. Toby jerks up into a sitting position on his bed like a zombie rising from the grave.

“Sweet Miley Cyrus!” He yells as I erupt into a fit of laughs spasming on the ground. He looks at me in surprise just now realizing my presents and gives me a glare.

“You!” He seethes while shaking out his wet hair.

“Me.” I reply with a laugh and an innocent smile that he doesn’t buy. “Happy Birthday!” I exclaim while jumping onto his bed and tackling him in a hug.

“You just ruined the happy part of it sissie! Now it’s just birthday.” He grumbles. I instantly pulled back and jump off his bed with a mock look of hurt on my face.

“Now don’t be that way. Think of it as my way of buying you time.” I say with a little pout.

“How did that buy me time?” He asked clearly annoyed. I smirk.

“Well now you don’t have to take a shower. Just throw on some clean underwear.” I reply as I walk out of his room and downstairs into the kitchen.

I open the refrigerator door grabbing the orange juice not bothering to get a cup.

“You know we have cups for a reason.” My step-mom, Camri, interrupts me in mid swallow.

“Ya for long amounts of drinking. I just needed a swallow.” I reply while wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. Camri just rolls her eyes, as usual.

“Where’s Toby? He’s going to be late for his own party if he-“ She starts but is interrupted by Toby’s feet stampeding down the stairs.

“Where’s who?” He asks with a smirk making me chuckle.

“No one now. You ready?” She asks shaking her head. Toby just nods.

“Okay then let’s go! Your fathers in the car waiting.” She says before shooing us out the door. I quickly grab my IPhone and earbuds and stuff them in the pocket of my sweatpants, while following them to the car.

As soon as I get in the car I shove my earphones into my ears to avoid any conversation with my dad. Since he’s always on call and never has time for us, I guess I don’t have time for him.

  Sleeping with Sirens “with ears to see, and eyes to hear” begins to play as I look up in the rearview mirror to find dad staring back at me. I smirk and point to my ear buds “Can’t hear you” I mouth making him roll his eyes and look at Toby disapprovingly. I immediately scowl at him and turn to ruffle Toby’s blond hair, which he ruffles to fix.

Toby unbuckles his seat belt as soon as we pull into the bowling alley parking lot and struggles to unlock his car door. I quickly grab him before he figures out how to do so.

“Woah there little buddy, wait until we park or you’ll be in the hospital instead of bowling.” I say as I hold him back in place, so he doesn’t injure himself. He continues to squirm in my arms until we are parked and dad unlocks the doors. I release Toby as he rockets out of my arms and into the bowling entrance.

“ I wish you would’ve dressed nicer, Drizzle, we are in public.” My dad says from behind as I get out of the car. I turn around, seeing him grabbing the cake and pulling it out of the trunk.

“ Why bother, its not like I know anyone here. If you see one of your work mates you can say I’m just a druggie your trying to help get back on their feet, I don’t mind.” I say with a shrug as I wrap my earphones around my IPhone and put it back in the pocket. I quickly jog up to the double door entrance hopeing that Toby hasn’t found a way to get into trouble yet.

“Drizzle! Drizzle! What shoe size am I?” I hear Toby yell from the guest services counter.

I smile and walk up to him, he’s standing on his tip-toes with his chin on the counter looking adorable. I’m just about to answer when a man walks out from the back with a pair of shoes.

“Okay try these on little man, they look more your size.” He says and places the shoes on the counter then looks up at me, registering my presents.

“Shit.” I breathe out, making the man behind the counter smirk and flip his brown flimsy locks out of his face.

Landon was here.


okay guys so we havent been getting a lot of feedback. DOnt be afraid to comment in fact were opening up a.....*drum roll*..... song suggestions thingy... anyways so you can comment what songs you would like us to try (key word) to include in the up coming chapters. So suggest some songs we'll respond back! 

-Sidney & Chloe

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