I shouldn't have to deal with this!

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The paper-thin walls did nothing to block out cold wind in the village. of course, maybe Hibana should've taken that into consideration when choosing the cheapest hotel in Kesshogakure, a small ninja village that majored in crystal mining and chakra tecniques. it was actually a decently rich village, being the supplier of over half of the surrounding nations' jewelry, but there was quite an expensive living rate here. She couldn't even afford a decent hotel, let alone a house or apartment.

which reminded the dark haired girl of the first time she came to konoha.

that's it. she thought, standing up from the bed. she looked to the clock, clenching her fists. 12:38. i need some fresh air. she sighed, leaving the room and hearing the automatic click of the lock. she frantically checked her pockets for the key into the room, but came up with nothing. she must've left her key in the room.

the thought simmered in her mind for several minutes before Hibana finally sighed, allowing her muscles to slacken. "I'll deal with it later. probably come in through the window." she mumbled, setting out for the woods around Kessho to train. she hadn't done that in a while.

'that was possibly the most painful bed ever. me, sleeping in a tree! thats retarted! and its even more uncomfortable than what  father used to call bedding' Hibana mused, kicking up some rocks on the way to the academy. suddenly an orange blur rushed past her, and she immediately knew who it was.

"Naruto, what are you doing?" she asked, snatching his collar in a swift motion. the blond grinned sheepishly.

Hibana blinked and expected to find Naruto standing before her, to see the slightly crowded streets of Konoha, the shops, the park, the hokage monument. but it was mostly darkness. trees and trees and more trees. distantly she could see the village behind her, and a light in the opposite direction that was her father's hideout. the silver-eyed teen sniffed, wiping hopelessly at her eyes as tears began to slip through one by one. she continued in a straight line, not toward the village or the hideout, simply into the darkness.

"And remember when that huge dog pulled him into a feild of landmines?" Hibana laughed to her roomate, who grinned back a little. mugs of hot cocoa warmed their hands as they sat together under a pale blue quilt.

"what about when you trapped yourself in your own genjutsu?" Sasuke reminded, causing the girl to flush furiously.


That was only a few weeks ago. tears began to pour harder as Hibana slowed to a stop, about to lash out at herself for purposely reminding herself about this. instead, she turned sharply and punched one of the thick trees nearest to her.

three hours later, her hands were bloody.

face hardset, eyes red from crying.

hair a mess, clothes ruffled and torn in places.

a chunk of the forrest- though small- was now a mangled mess, like the thirteen-year old's mind.

why did i even agree to stay here? if he wants to kill his brother more than he wants to be happy back in Konoha... Hibana thought bitterly, clutching a kunai that she had stored in her pocket. i shouldn't have to deal with this. i'm thirteen. my world consists of a revenge obsessed-albeit loving- boyfriend, a homocidal, maniacal father, and a village of determined ninja after me and those specific two people.

Hibana sighed as she realized she was already back at the hotel. already at her room for that matter. checking once more for the key, she decided to improvise and wedge the door open with her kunai. she placed a hand on the door, lining the kunai up and nearly falling over when the door gave way under her weight, swinging open.

so it wasn't locked? but it was locked when I left...

she could feel Isobu start to stir and, on instinct, put up a block between her and it. she stepped into the room.

but it wasn't her room, either. it was Sasuke's room, back in Konoha. empty, gathering dust. bed unmade and dresser drawers open and empty. in the center of the room was a man, or the figure of one. Hibana felt her knees give out beneath her as she looked into his one red eye.

kakashi-sensei? was all she could think before collapsing to the ground, unconcious.

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