Chapter One

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I really hope you choke and die. Whoa relax, people say Good Morning first. Well I'm not a person so technically I'm not obliged to say that phrase. Oh for God's sake would you just shut up and let me finish my breakfast? No I won't , you're fat. You need to stop eating, NOW.

I got up, not having finished even half of my bowl, and headed to my room upstairs.

"Brianna, come down right here honey, you need to finish your breakfast before you leave to school." My mom yelled from down stairs.

"I'm already full." I yelled back. "Thanks for caring though." I added as I shut my room door.

I went to the bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth. I took a pair of jeans and put it on along with a baby pink colored sweatshirt. I looked into the mirror and I actually liked how I look today.

You look so ugly. Ugh, don't even start. And fat. No I don't, I like how I look. Just shut up and let me be. How in the world have you not noticed this extra weight you'd put on? I still am the same weight just shut up, it's not like you're letting me eat anything. I do this for you own good. Now take this ugly outfit off and choose a more baggy one. Okay, fine.

And so I took them off and threw them back into my closet. Then I grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants, and a really large hoodie. Threw them on, put on my sports shoes, grabbed my backpack and car keys, ready to leave. I took a last look into the mirror. That looks way better, you're good to leave now.

I check the time, 6:15am. Perfect I got a plenty of time to get to school. No you don't, what if there's traffic? What if there isn't?

I took a deep breath. "Goodbye mom." I said as I left.

"Goodbye, drive safe gorgeous."

You're not gorgeous, she's saying that only because you're her daughter. Okay, enough for the morning. Stop it with these unnecessary remarks.

"Don't forget to pick up your siblings from school." She added.

"I won't."


I tapped on my phone waking it up, I check the time, 7:00am it read. Great i arrived just on time.

It's not only that Black Forest High is the only school in this mess of a town, but it's also 45 minutes away from home, how fun is that eh?

So I get out of the car and I lock it up. My phone buzzes making me jump, indicating that I got a text from Betsy, my best friend.

"Girl where you at?"

As I was typing my response she sends another text.

"Something CRAZY just happened come to my locker I'll tell you."

"Okay I'm on my way." I hit the send button and carry on with my 15 minute journey from the student parking lot to school. Just when you thought going to school couldn't get any worse.

"Okay so what's this crazy thing that happened?" I say as I approached her.

"I'll tell you in a bit." She said as we hugged (even though I absolutely hate hugging people, because the thought of them feeling by body fat drives me insane. But she was an exception, I know she wouldn't judge me.)

"No tell me now."

"Okay so Caleb's girlfriend -now his ex- has apparently hooked up with his best friend, Isaac. and they just made a hell out of a scene in the hallway. He kept telling her that she only used him to get to his best friend because he didn't have as much money and stuff and that she never loved him, but she kept swearing and promising him that they did not do anything and that she really loves him. But at last he just spat on the floor next to her and left."

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