First time

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(Y/N)s POV

Me and Max had gotten home early and I went to our bedroom to relax. As I did he pinned me on the bed and started kissing me roughly.  He started to take both of our clothes off still kissing me roughly.

~time skip to after sex~

Still (Y/N)s POV

We both were laying on the bed panting and naked. "That was amazing Max" I panted "I know, was it your first time" He asked. I nodded and said "Yea, your first time too" He nodded and said "Yep"

Maxs POV

Adams going to kill me if he finds out that me and his sister had sex before marriage. We got dressed and I waited for (Y/N) to get out of the bathroom so we can go back to work. 

(Y/N)s POV

I was in the bathroom vomiting. I soon finished vomiting and flushes the toilet. I wash my hands and brush my teeth. Me and Max soon leave to go back to work. We got back to work and i went straight for the bathroom. Once i got to the bathroom I closed the door and locked it. I hovered over the toilet and started vomiting again.

Adams POV

I saw (Y/N) rush to the bathroom so i walked towards the bathroom and heard vomiting. I knocked lightly on the door and i heard a click so i walked in and seen that my sister was the one puking. I asked her "Whats wrong sis" she just said "Nothings wrong". I realized that she had this certain glow on her and i asked her "Did you and Max have sex" she nodded. I hugged her and smiles as i say happily "Oh I'm gonna be an uncle" 

(Y/N)s POV 

I was happy that Adam wasn't mad that me and Max had sex. Me and him soon came out of the bathroom with smiles on our faces.  Adam told them that me and him will be right back as he was taking me to the doctors and he was vlogging but i vlogged while he was driving. We soon got to the doctors and the doctor checked how far along i am. we found out the gender and it as A GIRL. Me and Adam picked up pink silly string and went back to the office.

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