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I woke up to the sound of my mother banging on my door. I groaned and rolled over as she walked in and turned the light on.

"Please." I whimpered. I didn't want to go to school today, or ever for that matter.

"No, enough. You're going to school today. I'm sorry, but this has got to stop. The year is almost over and you have missed plenty of days. The more I tell the school you're sick, the more they think you're dead. Now get up." My mothers voice was stern and I don't blame her. I've been wallowing in the dark shadows of my covers since he died. He died. I felt tears well up and I furiously rubbed them away.

My mother was right. I was done, I needed a change and I needed to stop being upset. I still felt dead inside, though.i felt as if a part of me was taken and I can't breathe without it.

When I had found out he died, I couldn't breathe. He was everything, even if he didn't know it. My best friend, my crush in the sixth grade, my all. It was gone in a split second. A single tear slid down my cheek and I hastily wiped it away.

I put on a button up shirt and a pair jeans. I brushed through the tangles in my light brown hair and brushed my teeth. When I went down stairs I met my mom in the kitchen who had a smile on her face when I walked in.

"I'm glad you're going." she said. I gave her a nod and grabbed a piece of toast.

"Honey, I think you need to talk about what happened."

"What happened?" I asked back. She sighed and put her coffee down. I munched on my toast and watched her.

"Anna, you can't keep being upset and then pretending like nothing happened. Yes, he was a wonderful person and I miss him too, but you need to move on."

Her words were true but that's the thing. I don't know how to move on. Nick was my best friend and I loved him, even though he didn't know it.

"Can I just stay home today?" I begged. She gave me a stern look and shook her head.

"No, you're going to school and you're going to move on. Maybe you'll meet someone new."

I didn't want to talk to anyone or move on. Nick was all I had, and now he's gone. I grabbed my bag and jacket and headed for the door.

"Wait, don't forget your phone." my mom called after me. I grabbed it and unconsciously checked it. I looked down at my lock screen and I felt a tug at my heart. The picture was of me and Nick a couple weeks ago, two days before his death. He was giving me a piggy back ride and I saw the happiness on both of our faces. It was just us, not giving a care about anything else. I remembered that day clearly, Nick and I had argued about who was better at Blackops so we made a bet. Whoever won that round had to give the other a piggy back ride to school. That didn't seem to bother both of us because I knew I was strong enough to carry him and he was obviously strong enough to carry me. I had won, and that made him swallow his pride and give me a piggy back ride to school. His dark brown hair was gelled up in spikes and his gauges were evident. His chocolate eyes were squinting due to the laugh he was letting out and the bright sun. My mother had taken this picture of us and given it to me. I kept it as my lock screen and who knew that two days later he would be torn from this world.

"Why? It's not like anyone is going to text me anyway." I said coldly. I saw my mother flinch but her eyes softened.

"Take it, you may never know."

I put it in my pocket and headed out. This was my first time walking to school by myself. When I heard the news about Nicks death, I stopped going. I couldn't stand to go back to a place where we had spent the majority of our time together. I knew that if I went back I would just get stares because everyone knew the basis of Nick and I. We were inseparable best friends, and I was hopelessly in love with him, but he never saw it.

I arrived at school as soon as the bell rang and I walked to my first class. People I'm the hall gave me occasional stares but I kept my head low and ignored it all. I regret even coming, I should have convinced my mother further to let me stay. I got to my first period and I sat down in the back corner. Some kids would look at me and whisper to each other but I just put my headphones and listened to music while waiting for class to start.

"Hey." I heard a deep voice say. I pulled out my earbuds and I looked up and took in a sharp breath. He was supposed to be dead, I know he is, but I don't know he is standing in front of me with a smile on his face. He looked slightly different. His hair was black, not dark brown, and he had a couple tattoos. Nick never had any tattoos, only gauges. This guy had gauges also. He had the same smile and familiar chocolate eyes. I felt a lump form in the back of my throat and I attempted to swallow it down.

"Are you ok? Is there something on my face?" He asked and I realized I had been staring. I looked back down at my desk and I felt my cheeks heat up. His voice was similar too, but I don't know why. I shook my head and he took a seat next to me where Nick used to sit.

"Well are you new here? I haven't seen you before." he said. He must have been new then because I definitely have never seem him before. I shook my head and I heard another figure approach. I looked up and saw Harry, a friend of Nicks.

"She's not a new student, you idiot. She's just been sick." Harry sent me an apologetic smile which I returned in gratification. Harry had been a friend of mine since first grade and I'm sure he knew that I wasn't sick the whole time. Everyone knew about my heartbreak after Nick's death. I'm pretty sure this kid didn't know the news.

"Well, I'm sorry. I just haven't seen you around, and I'm sure if I did, I would remember. What's your name?"

"Anna." I whispered. He gave me another smile that seemed so familiar and extended his hand toward me. I shook it and gave him a small smile.

"Nice to meet you, Anna. I'm Zayn."


(A/N): So this is how I wanted to start off the story and I apologize for the short chapter. This is an alternate universe where One Direction isn't real, but I put the members I'm this story. This is an official Zayn Malik fan fiction(my first one) and I would love your input.

Anna Summers -is played by Emma Roberts.

Thanks for reading!!! Don't forget to vote/comment.

By lovelies!!

Next update: Wednesday

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