Chapter 7

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No justice, No peace 👎🏽✌🏽

The next day, the students returned to school with a bad mindset due to the lost of a friend and a fellow classmate

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The next day, the students returned to school with a bad mindset due to the lost of a friend and a fellow classmate. You can pretty much say, Nobody could stay focus at school.
"What's that noise?," the principal asked the vice principal.

The amount of students has increased in the hallways and classrooms but, they didn't pay it no mind until they heard shouting.

They made their way outside, with other students hot on their trail.

The students marched in the streets with their arms linked. Police officers were lined up on the other side but that still didn't stop them or put any fear in their hearts.

"No justice, No peace!," they chanted.

"I can't believe this," Principal Stone mumbled.

"Well, believe it," Vice Principal, Sydney Lopez said.

"Return back to class!," One of the officers said.

"No!," Kayla yelled.

"Who shot him?!," Zoey Cooper, Kirk's ex girlfriend asked.

"We're not sure," another officer admitted.

"Find out!," Charm blurted out.

"Until then," Kayla said, raising up her sign.

"No justice, No peace," they continued to chant.

All of a sudden, shots rang out and everyone ducked for cover.

"Now, get back inside!," someone yelled.

The students rushed back inside.

The end of the day finally occurred and the students were ready to start another protest.

Kayla walked past Rome with her head held high as he attempted to get some broad attention.

"Aye, let me give you a ride!,"Lucas yelled.

"Why should I trust you?," Kayla asked.

"I didn't have anything to do with that boy death," he lied.

"Really?," Kayla questioned.

"I don't have to lie to you," he responded, opening the passenger door.

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