one-eyed wonder

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(headcanon voice: keith david)

(headcanon voice: keith david)

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name: Bailey-Milo Jones

gender: biological male (he/they)

sexuality: pansexual

species: human
(fantasy au species: half-elf)

moral alignment: chaotic good

more than five fun facts:
•the thing over his left eye is a scar from a third degree burn he got when he spilled boiling oil onto himself
•paranoid around boiling liquids because of it
•has a three legged dog named Maraschino Scat
•whistles really well????? he won like three talent shows?????????
•wears the same clothes everyday (depending on the weather) he's like a cartoon character
•uber driver
•he's a medium (can interact with ghosts)
•has like five crushes at the same time
•high school drop out
•he's like 17 somebody help him

one pure fact:
•helps other people because he doesn't know how to help himself


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