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Yui P.O.V

"Wow, they are fast."

It has officially been eight months. Me and Yoongi have decided the name of our child and held our wedding off until they're born.

 Me and Yoongi have decided the name of our child and held our wedding off until they're born

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The KRS were quick to get onto our dating news

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The KRS were quick to get onto our dating news. Faster than a lot of articles too.

Within the passing months me and Yoongi have gotten really close. We make all kind of post about each other on Twitter.

We go out all the time and sometimes even go on trips.

I've been busy shopping with Yoongi and buying Yoonie clothes.

We thought Yoonie was a cute name.
And it was unisex. We decided to wait until they're born to see the gender.

The doctor said that Yoonie's grown into a good size and that there is a chance they might come early.

The food cravings I have are disgusting.
Last night I got so hungry I ate pickles with ketchup

Yoongi gave me a weird look. He even tried it and he gagged half to death.

The baby shower has already happened I got so many gifts for Yoonie.

Me, MinHee, and Hyomin have settled our "beef" since it was old high school shit.

I got accepted into a good uni


I looked up and saw Yoongi. I went to the car and Yoongi opened the door for me.

He helped me sit down and buckle up. "You good?" I nodded and straightened up.

"You hungry?" I shook my head "You want anything to drink." I nodded.

"Want soda or...?" I nodded again and sighed. Today was long.

"Can I get a diet Pepsi."

He nodded and we drove to get something he need first. Then I got hungry.

Yoongi ordered burgers and two sodas and extra fries. I thought that was all for him until he handed me food.

"I know you're gonna get hungry so I bought you something to eat."

I smiled and ate my food.


Me and Yoongi made it home I took my shoes off and sat down on the couch. Yoongi put on a show just to have some noise in the room.

After an hour I screamed in some serious pain.

"FUCKING CHRIST!" Yoongi woke up and tried to make it look like he was awake.

"You okay?" I glared at him without realizing it.

"Does it look like it?" I asked.

He knew it was hormones so he just layed back down and cuddled with me.

"Try sleeping." He said falling back to sleep.

I'm surprised I fell asleep. I had slept in along with Yoongi. The couch felt uncomfortable so I got up and went into our bed room it was cold. I grabbed some clothes and showered and laid back down.

Yoongi came upstairs and laid beside me. "Next time you think about moving to another room do you mind informing me?"

We fell asleep (again) and when we woke up it was already the afternoon.

"Well, we slept for a long time" I nodded in agreement.

"Looks like Yoonie likes sleeping as much as you do."

He laughed and we went downstairs

We saw we were on the news for the millionth time.

"God they used the worst picture of me." He groaned.
🐸: Short chapter. All the other shit we had in was dumb so we just changed it up.

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