Chapter 1-The Meet

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"Excuse me," A man's voice says from behind me. "Do you know where your florescent lights are?"
This may seem like an odd question to be asked, but I work in a warehouse, so I have people asking me these sort of questions all day long.
Anyway, I turn to look at the young man behind me, only to be taken aback a bit. This guy can't be much older than me, maybe about 22 or so. He has the most beautiful blue eyes, and perfect light brown hair. Every one of his features are perfectly proportioned and finally I realize I'm staring a bit too long.
I smile my best friendly smile, "Yup. Let me just scan this..." I scan the item in my hand to tell the system it's there. I then turn to look at the young man, "Okay, they're right over here."
I lead the man over a few aisles to the fluorescent lights.
He looks down at me and smiles. "Thanks." He turns to the shelf and then slowly turns back to me, "Uh, I'm not sure which one I need. I got these numbers off my current one." He takes a piece of folded paper out of his jeans pocket and passes it to me.
I unfold the paper and see several numbers scrawled across it. "Okay, uh, 376... 376... 376..." I look at all the stickers on the shelves to find the number that matches. I finally find the number and of course there's no boxes on the shelf. "There's none on this shelf, but I'll see if there's any out back." I scan the sticker with my remote and search the system. "There looks to be three back there, you can come with me if you like."
He smiles and gestures behind me, "You lead, I'll follow."
I smile and start back to the receiving department, where I spend most of my day.
"So how long have you worked here?" Even his voice is perfect.
"Just a few weeks actually, I'm a summer student."
"Really?" He seems surprised, although I don't know why. I mean I'm not even wearing the uniform everyone else is. Summer students wear street clothes.
I smile anyway, "Yup."
When we finally get to receiving, I walk into the office and lean on the counter, "Hey Brian, I have a gentleman here looking for florescent lights. System says there's three back here, any idea where?"
Brian tips his head to look at me over his glasses, "Just put them down on your table."
I grin, "Oh awesome thanks."
I walk over to the pallet of boxes on my table and start reading the labels, "376... Right here on top!"
I grab the top box and pass it to the customer. He takes it from me and smiles, "Thanks for this."
"No problem."
He sets the box on the ground for a minute, "Sorry, I didn't catch your name."
I blush a little and look up at him slightly, "Celina."
He nods, "Celina, I'm Jason. Can I borrow a pen?"
I nod, grab a pen from my cart, and pass it to Jason. He nods, grabs the piece of paper with the numbers for the light from his pocket, and writes something down. He then passes my pen back and smiles.
"I'll show you were you can pay for your light." I say quickly.
"Thank you, but I know where it is." Jason says politely.
"Probably, but it's company policy I have to walk you to the showroom floor." I know I'm blushing again.
"Oh right." He mutters before walking with me to the showroom. We nod briefly and go our separate ways.

When I get back to my table, I see a piece of paper sitting on the pallet. I unfold the paper to see the light code, a few more numbers, and the note "text me ~J" written down. I smile to myself before shoving the note in my pocket until break.
When break does come around, I run to my jacket and grab my phone. I unlock it and type the number from the note.
Me: Hey, by any chance is this Jason?
J: It is, who is this?
Me: Celina
J: You got my note!
Me: I did, wasn't sure it was from you or just a fluke
J: No fluke
Me: Apparently
J: Are you on break?
Me: Yeah, 15 min
J: Nice!
Me: I suppose so haha
J: Oh yeah, I meant to ask, is it really weird I gave you my number?
Me: Kinda haha but that's okay
J: Okay good lol
Me: I should really get back to work though...
J: Okay, when are you done work?
Me: 5
J: Talk then?
Me: Sure
I put my phone back in my jacket and go back for the remaining two hours of work.
After the longest two hours of my life, it's finally time to go home. I run to my jacket and run out to my dad's car, where he's already waiting. We ask how each others days went and quickly get onto the road home. I grab my phone from my pocket only to see there's already a text from Jason.
J: It's 5
Me: Lol it sure is
J: Would it be wrong of me to ask you to go out for coffee tonight?
Me: Probably not... as long as it's Tim's, not Starbucks lol
J: Absolutely agree
Me: What time?
J: When can you be ready?
Me: I don't get home till 6
J: So 7?
Me: Sure, where at?
J: Where's the closest Tim's for you?
Me: Lol Hampton
J: Hampton at 7 it is
Me: Lol okay
J: So, how was the rest of your day?
Me: Not bad, same as most days haha
J: That's good
We continue texting back and forth for a while, until he says he'll see me in half an hour, that he has to drive now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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