01 the prince is becoming a king

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King Chris Friar Queen Daisy Friar and you can't forget about the Prince Lucas Friar who is becoming King soon

Ivy - Prince Lucas

Ivy works for Lucas in the kingdom making sure that he has everything he needs and likes to have

Lucas - ivy I told you that it's Lucas call me Lucas you don't have to call me prince Lucas

She looks at him

Ivy - right Lucas I'm sorry

He brushes it off

Lucas - it's fine you need something I can help you with

She nods her head yes

Ivy - you're parents are asking for you in the dinner room they say it's important

Lucas wondered what it was his parents wanted and he had a thought on what it could be

Lucas - thank you ivy I'm coming now

She nods

Ivy - I'll let them know now

Ivy left the room

Lucas - I know what it's about it's about becoming King soon

Lucas left his room to see his parents

Lucas - so mom dad you wanted to see me talk to me  about something what's up

They wanted and needed to prepare him for become a king soon 

Chris and Daisy - yeah luke he need to talk to you about you becoming a king soon it's important that you are ready for it

But would he be ready for what they say next To Be Continued here a new rucas story one month yay I'm excited for this one too so ready for it here it goes enjoy one month yay

One Month Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now