Distasteful Capture

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Kagome knew many things about life.  She knew demons were real. She knew time travel wasn't just a figment of the imagination. The fear of death was always a constant. Always looming over your head. She never paid attention to any of it though.

Kagome rode on tranquilly on her bicycle, Inuyasha a few feet in front of her. Sango was on Kirara, polishing her Hiraikotsu, Miroku ran next to them, staff held firmly in his hand. Shippo was asleep in the little wicker basket on the bicycle, since it was nearing night.

Sniffing viciously, Inuyasha raised his lip and flashed a fang.

"Sesshoumaru!", he exclaims in distaste. "Show yer'self you bastard!"Kagome took a deep breath of fresh air and yelled " SIT BOY!" into the forest. It rang through the trees and danced with the wind as Inuyasha crashed to the earth with a strangled yelp of pain. Kagome looked at the crater with a smile of accomplishment on her face until she heard Shippo laugh.

"See what you did you overgrown dog! You woke up Shippo! Have a little consideration for others every once in a while... Jeez.", Kagome sighed.

Pushing away pieces of brush from the crater she peeped in to see a put out Inuyasha. He jumped out and whirled at her.

"What was that for wench! How would you like eating dirt and making out with worms?! I already know you don't like them so I know you wouldn't enjoy it!" Inuyasha was fuming at this point, ears twitching every which way and nose flicked up to the air.

"Like I said earlier before you slammed me in a 'bed of roses', SESSHOUMARU IS HERE!", Inuyasha exclaims, brandishing Tetsusaiga.


Sesshoumaru could smell his half brother long before he could see him. Ah-Un a couple steps behind him carried a sleeping Rin, and right next to Sesshoumaru's feet was Jaken. Lying on the brink of consciousness Jaken cried at how cruel his Lord and Savior was.

With an upturned nose Sesshoumaru continued walking to his half brothers camp. He could smell the half-breeds scent of pepper and paprika along with the scent of his Miko. She smelled of mint leaves and the steam of a hot spring.

Rin shifted on Ah-Un as Inuyasha's voice reverberated through the canopies. Moments later the sound of a yelp rang as did a loud crash. Sesshoumaru assumes that the Miko is responsible for this noise as he is well aware of the beads of subjugation upon Inuyasha's neck.

"Jaken", Sesshoumaru states plainly, "You will stay with Rin and Ah-Un."

With those words he walked away without making a noise among the growth of the forest.


"KAGOME GET BACK!" , Inuyasha hissed through his fangs as Sesshoumaru walked through the forest to the front of their group.

Kagome ran behind Sango and Kirara as Miroku took his stance next to Inuyasha. Sango stood with knees bent, holding Hiraikotsu above her head. Kirara took her larger fire cat form and started baring her teeth at Sesshoumaru.

Sesshoumaru kept walking until he was an arms length away from Tetsusaiga's impressive blade. He looked blankly at the group until he noticed Kagome.

"Miko", he said, "You will come with this Sesshoumaru." He stared at her impassively, as if waiting for her to step forward so that they can commence.

"What do you want with her Sesshoumaru!" Inuyasha exclaimed as he slashed at his half-brother, who evaded the attack without an afterthought.

"This Sesshoumaru will not repeat himself." Sesshoumaru states, face as stoic as ever.

Kagome slowly inches out of hiding, "What do you want me for? I have nothing that will be of use to you."

"Hn, that is for this Sesshoumaru to discern. We must travel while there is still light." Sesshoumaru walks back the way he came, stopping only after he notices that Kagome is not following him.

"She's not going anywhere with you." Inuyasha exclaimed. "WIND SCAR!" he yells through gritted teeth, watching as Sesshoumaru jumped into the air and landed perfectly in the middle of two of the scars he blemished the earth with.

Sesshoumaru jumped again, this time next to Kagome. Throwing her over his shoulder like baggage he began walking back from whence he came.

"COME BACK HERE!", Inuyasha said. Sango and Miroku came out of their stupor and glared at Sesshoumaru's back, fully knowing they cannot compete with the Taiyoukai. They only hope that his sense of honor keeps Kagome safe from harm.

All the while, without anyone noticing, night had fallen over Feudal Japan. The moon glistened across Sesshoumaru's long silver tresses and highlighted Kagome's ebony hair as he glided through the air with her over his shoulder. Once past layers of trees, the group decides to set up camp while the Taiyoukai was most likely going to his human ward.

"What're ya doing! We have to save Kagome!"

"Inuyasha, there's nothing we can do. We're exhausted and he seems to have a use for her. We can trust Sesshoumaru not to kill Kagome tonight or tomorrow. That gives us time to gather our strength and prepare properly for battle with your brother." Miroku states while his hand slowly inched to Sango's backside.

A slap echoed through the forest as Sango buried herself into her yukata, sleeping in her slayer outfit for more warmth.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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