I'm in middle school as a 6th grader with all my friends by all I mean a few like 6 all my other friend are at a different school but this year was the best because I got to have the honor to date someone that I really liked but news came to me that she was moving to Sacromento in a few months so I had to hang out with her as much as i could a few months later she broke up with me when she was on thanksgiving break down in Cali with her family but I still lived her as long as she was happy I was happy the next month we were playing T or D and I picked D she dared me to ask out my crush and j asked her out... but she said that she was moving so it meant a no I know what you guys are thinking (REJECTED!!!!) It a week later she asked me out of course I said yes what were you thinking I love her I mean we both have 3 letter names mia and ean like bro I just love her man. ( One month later ) she's moving on December 26th it's the 19th and this is the last day we can hang out... I gotta be quick were taking her back I'm thinking in my head I gotta kiss her at least once but I am too shy to and I let the chance pass I cried when she got out the car like 3 minutes later we almost crashes were at home and I text her "hi" took a few to respond but she still responded cool she said "yo" we just started a conversation there...