What better way to spend your birthday than being forced to go to a basically-frat-party and having no one remember your birthday except someone you've been friends with for two days? This is what Spencer asked herself today, December thirteenth, before she even made it to school. She had known her parents wouldn't remember, and had a feeling that Calloway would because he was kind of creepy that way.

As it turns out, Spencer was quite excellent at predicting these things. When she walked into first period, she saw the box in her seat. A note attached to the top, read 'To Spencer' in the fanciest script she had ever seen. She knew who it was from before she opened the note. 'Happy birthday ~Calloway... P.S. please don't ask how I knew it was your birthday'. She opened the box and shrieked like a harpy. "Damn you, Calloway Blaine," she muttered under her breath. Then, who should appear at the door but the little devil himself?

"Calloway you're taking this back where you got it."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are!"

"But you like it."

"That's not the point here. The point is, this had to have cost you a fortune and I won't allow it!" People were walking in, chattering. She just looked at him.

"My family's loaded, Spencer. We're not going to miss the money that much."

"Why did you do this?" She asked.

"Are friends not supposed to give each other gifts?" He cocked his head to the side, looking innocent as ever.

"Yes, but not like this! This had to cost hundreds. Take it back."

"No. It's a gift. From me to you. If you don't like it you can take it back, but once you do the money you get is yours to keep."

Finally, Spencer sighed. "Fine." She took the necklace out of the box, admiring the way the huge round chunk of opal shimmered. She fastened the necklace around her neck, not even noticing that on the back of the golden heart charm 'my heart and soul, my one love' was engraved in red. She did like the necklace, she just wished that Calloway wouldn't buy her jewelry within the first week of knowing her. There were five different charms on the necklace- the heart, made of pure gold; the opal; turquoise; ruby; and onyx.

He was happy she liked the gift. He just wished she had been happy to begin with. "I wish you wouldn't do this," she told him. "I don't need expensive gifts."

"I know," he told her. "I just like giving people gifts, and I thought I might as well give my friend the best gift I could."

     "Where did you get this?" Spencer asked.

     "Why? Wanting to return it?" He laughed. "Actually, it's a family heirloom. It's worth quite a lot, I'm pretty sure."

     "My God, Calloway...you hardly know me...you shouldn't let me keep a family heirloom."

     "It won't be missed, I assure you."

"Whatever," Spencer said. "I'm not even going to try and argue with you."

He smiled. You can teach a bloodchild new tricks after all.


Garrett's thin legs dangled from the roof of the house. His bloodchild was getting ready for a cousin's party, and had invited that Calloway boy to accompany her. Garrett scowled. He'd never been too keen on Calloway, especially now that he was trying to steal the affection of Garrett's bloodchild. Garrett preened the feathers of his wings as he waited for Spencer to leave, so he could follow. He couldn't do so with imperfect feathers. Garrett had been waiting for something to happen, so he could finally become a part of his bloodchild's life. Now that Calloway, who was so involved in dark magic, was becoming a key part of Spencer's life, it was up to Garrett to keep his bloodchild out of trouble.

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