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Guanlin's POV

" Are you feeling okay ? " I nodded as I sniffed. Tears continued rolling down my cheeks no matter how hard I try to stop it.

She sighed and sat down beside me.

" Next time just don't trust women easily. " I looked at her with puffy eyes.

" Ziyu noona, have you ever encountered something like that ? " I asked as I sat beside my cousin who is a few years older than I am.

She nodded as she looked down at the ground, " I found him cheating on me with my best friend. " She said sadly.

" And it turns out he dated me just so he can be close to her, so i'm being used. " She said and I patted her back.

She chuckled, " Whatever, I'm Chou Ziyu, it's his loss anyway. " I chuckled and she passed me a packet of red bean bun.

" You missed Taiwan don't you ? " I nodded and she ruffled my hair gently.

" Me too. " She said and that's when we started reminiscing the times we've had back in Taiwan a few years back.

We came to Korea because of our parents's job, our parents work under the same company and they send them to Korea together since they are family afterall.

My phone started ringing which pulled us out of what I call, imagination.


I looked over at Ziyu and she signalled me to answer the phone, and I did as she told me.

" Guanlin ! let's meet ! " Gayeon said from the other side of the phone call, I think I should tell her the truth today so she wouldn't hurt as much.

Yes, I've found out that Minah lied to me.

What happened was that I found her phone on the table at her house since I wanted to give her a surprise for her birthday.

When I got there, I saw her making out with some guy I have not met before.

I approached her and found out that she used me so that she could ruin Gayeon in a way.

" Why did you want to hurt her ? " I asked and she crossed her arms as she stared at me with an oblivious face.

" When we were in elementary school, guys that I like have a crush on Gayeon and all of them rejected me ! " She raised her voice.

I scoffed, " You're really petty do you know that ? at least you can be sure that guys from your elementary school have something called taste. "

Being salty is me now.

Her eyes widened as I walked out of her house, not planning to meet her ever again.

Therefore, here I am. I'm planning to explain everything to Gayeon and then return back to Taiwan to continue my studies there.

I want to leave all the bad memories back here in Korea.

" Guanlin ! " I heard a familiar voice behind me, I turned around and saw Gayeon running towards the table that I'm at.

She shot me a grin as she sat down, " I missed you ! " I smiled slightly as she smiled widely.

" Look, I have to tell you something. " I said and she nodded, telling me she have something to tell me too.

" You can say first. " I said coldly and she smiled widely.

" My parents approves our relationship ! " She said and I swear I felt really bad towards her, I did successfully complete Minah's wish anyways.

" So what do you want to tell me ? " She asked and I felt a lump at my throat.

I looked around nervously, " I just want to tell you I like you. " I said and she blushed, while I am internally cursing at myself.

I felt really apologetic towards Gayeon, I wouldn't want to be lied to by someone I do like or even love.

If i'm her, I would have hated me so much.

" Let's go on a date ! " Before I can even reply, she grabbed my hand and ran towards the subway where we took the train to somewhere I don't know.

" This is ? " I asked.

" This is what the folks called Well Of Love, it's where all couples come to celebrate the birth of a new love. " She said as she smiled.

She held my hand, " I felt really happy to know that you're a good guy who wouldn't hurt me, thank you for reassuring me. "

I'm just wondering why is everything she is saying today pointing at me, trying to tell me how bad of a person I am ?

She started to drag me to an arcade where I was forced to catch a soft toy from the claw machine for her but we all know claw machines doesn't get you anything except for an empty wallet.

My prediction came through, I'm pretty broke now.

" Let's sit viking ! " She dragged me to the pirate ship ride and we sat at the end of the ship where it's the scariest part.

As it's starting, she held onto my arm and hid her face behind my arm.

I chuckled a little, " Sh- " She was about to curse when the ship started to swing downwards and she didn't have the chance to curse.

She practically fainted throughout the whole ride which was rather funny but cute at the same time.

" It's so scary ! " She said as she tried to get back her soul which came out during the ride.

She was about to fall when I grabbed onto her arm, well, I wish I did but I didn't. She fell to the ground and got a scratch on her knee.

I helped her up, if I can't even prevent her from injuring herself then I should help her up.

She walked to the nearest bench with the help of me, she sat down as I kneeled down to paste a bandage strip on her wound.

It's really bloody and I'm honestly a little nervous about pasting the bandage strip on the wound, what if I pressed it too hard and it hurt her instead ?

But I finally pasted it and she didn't feel any pain which i'm glad about. I stood up and was about to buy us some drinks when she grabbed onto my arm.

" Thank you for being my boyfriend. "

22nd Dec 2017

i'm excited for my school's vacation even though my current vacation haven't ended yet.

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