escort to jail

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My hands are burning and wounds I had almost forgotten are hurting as much as when they where made. Under me there is a gaping hole. When I look up I see my friend.
I start complaining to her,'This is my life now. I have climbed this cliff and now I will die upon it.'
I hear her grunting before she replies. 'Shut up we have only been hiking for twenty minutes.'
Alright I was a bit overdramatic. My hands don't hurt much but I'm certain that my muscles will hurt tomorrow. I didn't over exaggerate the gaping hole though, because it is there. The hole is so deep I can't see the bottom. I wonder if it even ends. If we fall we can't save our friends and of course the rest of the population of earth, but it is only a small detail. All this trouble started on a ordinary Tuesday.


I assume that it is time for the birds to wake up when I hear a horrible, screeching, terrifying sound. It is the sound of the crayon hitting the blackboard. The teacher is writing something in Chinese code on the board. Or maybe it is French. I don't see the difference anyway.
I should go back to bed to lie under the covers while hoping that al my teacher take spontaneous holidays or that there comes a massive meteor which destroys the school. Of course will that only happen when I'm under my covers, very far away from the danger zone, and not still in school. I don't want to die but if I do I don't want to lie between those idiots on school for eternity. I don't think I'm able to escape that fate if that worthless worm keeps talking and let us all die out of boredom.

After 20 minutes of pure horror I was totally done with school. When I walked down the corridor I heard some asshole, Blake, insulting my friend, Amy. We have had fights since he first came her on school. He is always gossiping about us as an old woman at a book club. So, it is not my fault at all that I kicked Blake between his legs. You know what, I did him a favor because now he misses the history test because he gets first aid. The idiot.

I was walking towards my next class as I heard the voice of that same crazy friend who was getting insulted.
'Skylar, wait!'
When I turned around I was greeted with an unnatural cheerful face. Her face was surrounded with style black hair ander dark brown eyes which were a bit smaller than my eyes because her family comes originally out China.
'What's up?' I question.
'I heard that our test is cancelled.' she said enthusiastically.
I do a happy dance because I had barely learned for that test.
'That's great because now can we both go an hour sooner home.' We are walking towards the exit.

'I dreamed that the test would be cancelled.' She started but after a few moments of silence she still hadn't finished her story.
'Really?' I asks curious.
'Yeah, The dream was about a small poodle. He walked down this corridor towards the safe were the teachers store the tests.'
'And?' I was getting more curious for what she had to say.
'Now comes the weird part. When he was in front of the safe he turned into a massive black monster with sharp teeth.'
She was getting more exciting and she made crazy hand gestures to imitate his teeth. What has a monster to do with the history test?
'A massive black monster with sharp teeth?' I ask critical.
I must say this is the weirdest she has said since she began about those living statues.
'Yes, and he had horns. I'm not sure but I think that he has three heads. Then he ate the tests. It was terrifying.' She says trying to convince me that she didn't made it up.
I do believe she had that dream, I mean have had weirder dreams.

'But you haven't slept at all have you?' Amy questioned 'I know you haven't because you have droopy eyes and you are yawning.'
'I was thinking about stuff.'
'What kind of stuff?'
We are almost by the doors when I hear sirens. The cars come to a stop right in front of us.
'What are the cops doing here?' Asks someone behind us.
'I think I have a idea what they are doing here.' I muttered behind my breath.
'What did you say?' Amy narrowed her eyes.
'Nothing, absolutely nothing.'
'I think they are here for me. We need to get out of here.' Amy's eyes are big as if she just realizes something.
'Why would they be here for you?' I was genuinely confused. What could my sweet and nice friend possibly have done to deserve a police escort right to jail.
'You know I lived in a orphan house in my old town, right?'
Yes I know that her parents died in a traffic accident and because she has no parents she lives with me now. Before she continues she looks around watching if anyone is listening to us.
'That isn't entirely true. My parents died because they were murdered by a fire in our house.'
It was as if her mind was somewhere else watching memories. I felt of course sorry for my best friend but I didn't get why the police are looking for her or why she never told me.
'Yes, my family has a lot of money and it al goes to me. So, that's why the murderer first has to kill me. And I have never answered the police questions because I immediately fled to America.'
Damn she has a lot of problems to deal with.
'And I were thinking that they were her for me.' I said stunned.
'What exactly did you do?' Meanwhile the police officers step out the car and is walking in our direction.
'Oh, I just brought some weapons.'
I didn't had the chance to say anything because our conversation was interrupted by a police officer who sneaked around our back.

'Miss Skylar Bradley you're under arrest for stealing. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you by the court.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2018 ⏰

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