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Hello Reader! This is a story based on a young girl's POV, however, I've added a few things to make it seem more relatable to you, yourself! Hope you enjoy. I'm sorry if it seems unrealistic! ~Frisky Misty

Y/N = Your Name

H/C: Hair Color

B/N = Bias Name

"Keep up!" I yelled to my mother, who was lagging behind. It was obvious my mother wasn't at all interested in waking up and taking me to the fan sign that was held today. I was, I let my long H/C out, it was down to my knees, and I wore a flower crown on top of my head. A white dress skirt, and a fancy shirt. I wanted to make a good impression on the group, especially B/N. I grinned as I held my journal I bought especially for them to sign in. As we entered where it was held, I felt my heart skip a beat once I laid eyes on B/N, and the other members. 

The line seemed to be a mile long, and they were about to close it down so nobody could come in, but I didn't seem to care. I kept my journal close to my chest, and looked around, being the only American there, made it seem a bit awkward, however, nobody seemed to even care I was there, as long as I stayed in my place in line. As I got closer to the front of the line, my heart started pounding as I looked up, only to make eye contact with Namjoon, the first one I'd get to see. He flashed me a smile, then went back to the girl he was talking with. I was trying my best not to blush. Sooner and sooner it came to where I was at the edge of the stairs just waiting for three more girls to go.

I huffed loudly, trying to keep my eyes on the floor, until I heard a loud scream, causing me to look up. I turned around and a guy holding very sharp scissors came running towards the crowd I was in. I didn't know what to do, so I quickly jerked around, while he slashed the scissors. I felt a loud sound of a snip as security hauled him away, and it went dead quiet. I wasn't sure why but everyone seemed to be staring at me, my mother went wide-eyed. I quickly looked towards the ground and saw a pile of long H/C hair sitting on the ground. I gasped and quickly whipped out a mirror I kept in my pocket. 

I burst out into tears, falling to my knees, not even caring that even the members of BTS were staring at me as I had a total meltdown. My hair had been cut off, the only thing that made me stand out from other girls. It had been cut to about my below my ears. I couldn't get out of the line either because it was so busy, so I had to continue the fan sign with hot tears rushing down my face. I watched as I went down the line, only to be face-to-face with B/N. I made a fool of myself in front of my bias...

As I slowly got out of the line, the fan sign started to end. My mother wrapped her arm around me, "We'll get you a nice haircut to make it look even, okay?" She said to me, smiling weakly. I didn't want that, I wanted my hair I had been growing since I was born. Slowly afterward we left the building, my head down. 

"Ma'am wait up!" Somebody yelled, as I slowly turned around a security guard approached us, with the band behind him. "Please come back inside, the boys feel bad, and want to make it up to you." I tilted my head as I slowly nodded and followed the security guard into the building once again. He took me back with the boys and shut us in a room. I stared at the boys, my face burning with embarrassment. 

"We felt bad for that to happen." Someone spoke up, of course, it had to be RM, the only one that spoke perfect English. "That's no way to meet us, a fan sign is supposed to be special, and you couldn't have it be special because of that simple incident." I nodded slowly, rubbing my arm. "And that's why we've decided, we're gonna take us with you for a week to spend some time with us, we won't leave South Korea, but we will go out for dinner, have a little fun at the park and such things like that, if its okay with your mother." Namjoon looked towards my mother, who looked at me smiling. 

"It'll be another Christmas present for you, we just have to pack her things, then she'd be happy to hang out with you for a week." My mother replied when which Namjoom smiled and nodded. "Alright! We'll take you on the bus to the hotel your staying at." I nodded with excitement as they lead me out back to their bus. I could already tell, this was going to be an amazing week. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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