Untitled Part 1

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Her voice is soft and reverent in his ear. One of her hands gripping the hair at the nape of his head, the other sliding down his back; nails digging into his skin. The pace they are going at is slow, full of passion and unspoken words. His hips driving into hers, dick sliding in and out of her, each time going in deeper. This is so much different than the times before. Where it was rushed and fast. A rough quick session up against a bathroom stall. A quick stress reliever on the top of her office desk.

He's brought back into the present when his name falls from her perfect lips. Her pussy tightening around his dick, a clear indication that she was reaching her climax. Michael nods his head, running his nose across her cheek, nipping at her bottom lip gently.

"Cum for me..."

It doesn't take much longer. Just two more deep strokes and she's arching her back, legs tight around his hips, fingers trailing down his back; leaving scratches.

"Fuck..." She breaths as he rides out their release, having cam shortly after her.

He gently caresses her side, kissing her neck as she comes down from her high. Michael nuzzles his face against her neck and she wraps her arms around him again. Her soft hands soothing over the small welts on his back.

There was a calming silence that fell over them, which was fine. He wasn't a man of many words and neither was his beloved Ava. They sat there in silence, basking in the essence of their love making. Him taking in her scent and the feel of her body. A bod y that he fully got to enjoy for the first time in the two years they have known each other. And he made sure he paid homage to every piece of skin he was blessed to touch tonight.

The repetitive touch of her fingers running though his hair is enough to make him doze off a little. Tonight, was his last show in Mexico City, and although he loved the energy of the crowd and the respect from his adoring fans, he was tired. He could not wait to get back home. He planned on going back to the hotel, hop into the shower and sleep; but when he walked into his room to see Ava sitting there in all her mocha skin glory, he couldn't resist. One look into those dark brown eyes and he was reenergized like a rabbit.

The quiet and his light nap didn't last too long. Maybe a full 30 minutes, and then the phone perched on the bed side table was ringing. Ava tried to answer but he stopped her, squeezing her gently.

"Ignore it." He whispers to her.

"What if it's important?" He responds back just as quiet as he.

"Someone will come and tell me."

They are engulfed in silence again, this time it only last for five minutes and the phone rings again. Ava ignores it and continues to run her fingers through his hair. Michael starts to doze off, but the moment the phone stops ringing there's a knock on his door. A groan falls from his lips and into Ava's shoulder. She let's out a small laugh and slowly lets him go.

"I told you." She says with a smug look on her face.

"Yea, yea."

Letting out a deep sigh Michael removes himself from the warmth between Ava's thighs and rolls over to his side of the bed. Getting up he grabs his pants from the tangles mess of clothing laying haphazardly in the middle of the room. He puts them on before walking toward the door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." He says as the knocks continues. When he reaches the door, he pulls it opened to see Wayne on the other side. "What's going on?"

Wayne looks at Michael before his eyes shifts behind Michael's shoulder to see Ava, who is now sitting up in the bed, holding a sheet up to her naked body. His eyes avert back to the man before him and he's met with a glare; which in translation meant 'Don't.' Letting out a sigh Wayne nods his head.

"It's Rochelle. Lillian has been taken back to the hospital."

And just like that reality smacks him hard in the face. The wedding ring on his right finger feels a little heavy. He has to run his thumb across it to make sure his finger wasn't going to fall off. Guilt settles in the bottom of his stomach and he nods his head.

"Did you request a redeye for me to head out?"

"I did. You have 45 minutes to pack and –" He gestures toward Ava, who was walking out from the bathroom fully dressed.

"Yea, I got it."

Wayne fixes him with a look.

"Michael, man, this has got to stop. Rochelle loves you, you have a kid."

Michael clenches his jaw, closing his eyes and then reopens them.

"Thanks Wayne. See you in 45 minutes."

Having understood that he was being dismissed, Wayne walks away, and Michael closes the door promptly after. He leans his forehead against the door, taking a deep breath. He knows Wayne is right, but he doesn't understand. He doesn't understand how hard it is. Having a sick child, having your wife dissociate herself from you. How he felt lonely even with a family.

Sometimes he needed a breather. A few moments where nothing was wrong. Where he didn't have to worry or feel anxious. And he found that solace with Ava.

Turning around he sees Ava tying her hair up into a messy bun seated at the top of her head.

"Duty calls, huh?" She asks.

"Yea. Rochelle -"

Ava stops him, walking to him and laying a gentle finger against his lips.

"No need to explain. That's your family."

And its moments like this that keeps him coming back into her arms. The reassurance he gets from Ava that he hasn't gotten from Rochelle since Lillian has gotten sick.

Michael rests his forehead against hers, rubbing her sides gently.

"Do you need a flight scheduled for you too? I can have Wayne do that."

She smiles shaking her head.

"I'm good. Besides I don't think Wayne likes me very much." She lets out a small laugh running her hands up his chest before patting it lightly. "You need to pack. Lillian needs her father."

Michael nods, leaning down to capture her lips with his. Ava pulled away sooner that he liked, and a grin spread across her face when he tried diving in for more.

"Michael Joe."

"Ok." He releases her, and she starts heading for the door. "Ava..."

She turns around to face him, and the look on his face she knows all too well.

"Me too." She says biting her lip. "Call me when everything checks out and gets settled. Give Rochelle my regards."

Michael nods.

"I will."

And with that Ava walks out the door and Michael turn around to gather his things to pack up, leaving him with one thought running through his mind......


                                                               "I can't believe they're sister."

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