Chapter 1

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I gaze out of the classroom window dreamily, fixing my glazed over eyes on the peaked mountains in the distance while my mind continues to wander aimlessly. My escape, only escape. I imagine a life that could have been, would have been if she had just stayed. A sharp pain shoots to my heart at the thought of her. I scold myself inwardly, deciding to lead my mind elsewhere. Back to the endless day dreaming.

" Oceane, am I boring you? Perhaps you could remind the class what the Science theorems I was currently informing you about are?" The sentence that is meant to be a question comes out sounding more like an unwavering command. I am startled by the abrupt interruption to my thoughts and stare at the teacher with a dumb-struck expression pasted on my face. My cheeks heat up as my fellow classmates snicker, knowing I am incapable of responding to the teacher's demand. I begin to panic when annoyance flickers in her eyes. "Your astounding incapability to form words has yet to become less of a challenge Oceane. I wonder why I even waste my time trying to get answers out of you anymore." With a grunt and a flick of her hair she abruptly turns back to the white board and continues scribbling frantically.

Leaning forward I allow my long strands of hair to create a barrier between myself and my merciless classmates. The girl a few seats behind me makes a snarky comment in a way that is less subtle than a toddler fawning over candy. "What a freak, that pathetic mute can't come up with even a few words. Her voice box is probably too strained in that disgustingly scrawny body. Never mind the fact that she is wearing clothes out of a Winter wardrobe in this blistering heat." The children within ear shot chuckle and I glance behind me to see her staring straight back with a sickening smirk on her face.

The shrill of the school bell sounds and I leap to my feet before shoving books in the scruffy bag that was previously laying against my leg. The bag is hurled over my shoulder before fleeing the building hurriedly. I should be accustomed to being spoken to in that way, but nevertheless tears begin to blurr my vision. Racing towards the parking lot, I bound down the stairs while hoping my bullies do not get the satisfaction of seeing my tear-filled eyes. Mounting my worn out, rusted bicycle I glance towards the luxurious cars surrounding me as if I am being mocked for my disadvantaged background. A constant reminder of the scholarship I had to obtain to be able to attend any secondary school at all. I shove my earphones into my ears and resume listening to the deafening shriek of rock music. Another one of my ways to block out the world I have so desperately wanted to escape for as long as I can remember.

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