About me

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I'm Rosco. In case you were wondering I'm also a dog. I am a pure bred Miniature Schnauzer the 12th smartest dog breed in the world. Although I do the same things other dogs do. I play with toys, I roll around, and I do almost anything to get a tasty snack. I have 4 humans that are almost always around me: Riley,Mitchell,Laura and Jeff. Some humans come and go and seem to be well aquatinted with my humans. Such as Susan, she has a young feisty Chihuahua who's name is Sophie. Susan is Jeff's mother. Another visiter is Jen, she brings a little Toy Poodle who I am well acquainted with. Studsey is his name, Studsey and I are the same age and have known each other all our lives. Although we are different we still continue to get along swimmingly. I've noticed each human that visits have some connection to Jeff. Susan is Jeff's Mom, Jen is Jeff's sister, Laura is Jeff's wife, Mitchell is Jeff's step son and Riley is Jeff's son. Everything seems to revolve around Jeff and if that's the case, I to, revolve around Jeff. I've only known Sophie this past year and I will say she's got quit the mouth. If you dare get to close to Susan she goes beast mode and full out attacks you. The same goes for if you get near her food. Another connection I've made is that Sophie gets all her power from being high up, in other words when she's being held. So as long as she's on the ground she's a bit nicer. Studsey is always a nice dog and one thing Sophie and him have in common is they really like licking the humans Studsey isn't as social as Sophie is. I prefer to keep my tongue to myself. I don't know why the humans decided to do this, or what I did wrong but right when it got cold around October they cut off nearly all my luscious locks. The only good thing about having my fur cut was that I got to wear a festive sweater. I will say my sweater was rather sophisticated compared to other dogs' sweaters. I'm left home alone for about eight hours each day but it gives me time to be alone with my thoughts. I also have other pastimes, my favorite one is sleeping. I have a lot of different places for sleeping depending on my mood. Sometimes I fall asleep waiting for the humans to return in the living room or if I'm feeling lazy and want a really relaxing nap I'll go in Riley's room where there's sunlight. I hear the humans come home I better go greet them, goodbye. Until the next time.
Hello! This is about my dog,Rosco, and my family. It's fun to see through other people's or animals view so I guess that's why I wrote this. I was just really bored.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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