I started to wake up and forgot that there was supposed to have school today. It was kinda weird because I felt something strange and I don't know what. I change into my uniform and get down to eat breakfast. As I walk through the walls I came across Yui and she put her foot right in front of me as I tripped as she start laughing her head off. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!? I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU!? WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS!?" I screamed at her and began running until I sat down in the dinning room beside Subaru and Ayato. I feel like everyone was glaring daggers at me except for Subaru which look concerned for me. I never finished my breakfast as I started walking away. "Why didn't you finish your breakfast?"Reiji asked with a growl "I don't want to eat duhh" I walked out of the room "G-Guys! Ayumi punched me earlier and I have a bruise! Please I have been nice to her but she is always mad at me! Please help me..." Yui said "WHY WOULD YOU SAY LIES LIKE THAT!? YOU ARE THE ONE HURTING YOURSELF TO GET MY BROTHERS TO NOTICE YOU!"Subaru shouts and walks out.
Subaru's Pov
Ughggh that girl gets into my nerves everyday! I saw Ayumi standing near the fountain looking at herself crying...I felt bad..Why do they still choose Yui other than Ayumi..."Ayumi are you ok?"I asked softly " I-I am"wipes the tears away "You know you could open up to me everwhere everytime..right?" "Of course..since you are the only one who cares about me..." "You know what? How about we meet at the rooftop later and have som fun alright? And maybe go out to the town? Is it ok for you?" "Heh...Thank you Subaru I would love too!" She kissed my cheek and we decided to board the limo.
No one's Pov
Little did Ayumi and Subaru knows that one Blondilocks(sorry I have to!) was watching them and he really looks pissed off and just shaken of the feeling then all of them boards the limo
In the shool
Your Pov
As I was walking through the halls I saw a student running up to me and said "Wow! Please can you be our model? We really need someone in our modelling club. Especially a pretty girl like you!" "Awwee thank you, of course I will be happy to accept it!" "Can we borrow you later lunch time we need to release a new cover?!" "I will try...I have to meet someone at lunch time" "Ok! Thank you very much!"the student run off and you started to go to your class which you are sitting beside Kanato and Ayato which you got really mad and didn't even budge to look at them because your blood was really boiling just to see them. I decided to text Subaru(and yes guys😄 they have cellphones here...it is just for the story) S-Subaru A-Ayumi
A: Hey Subaru can I talk to ya?
S:Sure anything happening there?
A:Ugh! I have to deal with Ayato and Kanato sitting next to me! HOW CAN I BE CALM RIGHT NOW!?
S:Hey Hey sis calm down Later we will meet at the rooftop right? Then we will spend our happy times there and calm you down at the same time😄😄!
A:About that....I am gonna have photography later lunch but can you come with me?😢😢😢
S:How could I say no? So yes of course!
A:Thank you very much! Btw I have to go now bye!
S: Bye little sis
At lunch!
Student's Pov(the one that you bumped into earlier)
I saw her with a Sakamaki! Wow they look like a cute couple she must be lucky to have a man such like him! I erased my thoughts and walked over to the girl. "Hi miss my name is Lisa and thank you for accepting! It really means alot to us...now come on we will start at your photography! And sir you can come to Photography:
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Thank you for your cooperation we wish you good luck for today! I said my goodbyes to themand wave my hand.
Subaru's Pov
Wow she looks nice in every picture*blushes*. Heh..I never thought I will have a soft spot for a girl like her. Why would my brothers hate her though we are the same blood but not full. "Hey Subaru do I look nice at the picture?" Ayumi asked "Of course you are the most beautifulest girl in the world maybe in the universe even!"she chuckled. I am glad to make her laugh and see her smile even melts me more. Who wouldn't fall in love with a girl like her?