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What the fuck was i doing? What the hell is wrong with me. But i couldn't stop myself gosh i wish i had someone to stop this...i spoke too soon. All of a sudden i felt his lips being torn away from mine. I opened my eyes too see Jimin being thrown at the wall but i couldn't see by who.

"Who in the living hell do you think you are kissing her like that"

Oh fuck i recognized that voice...Kenna

"Do not touch her she is a human being with her own god damn choices and she probably does not what your crusty lips on her."

I watched with wide eyes as she slapped him so hard across the face it left a almost purple hand print. She pinned him to the wall by his collar. He had his mouth hung open with one hand holding his cheek amazed. Not only by the fact that she just came out of no where but also because of the strength coming out if this little girl. I was going to stop this but he did deserve it. I turned to look for Yoongi but he had already fleed not wanting another painful beating from Kenn. It was funny she was such a nice and caring person but if she messed with someone you cared for a flip would switch in her brain.

"Kenna. Hajima hajima"

I ran over to her deciding his bloody noise told he had enough.

"That is a friend and he was helping me."

I grabbed her hand signalling for her to let go of his collar. She turned and looked at me with a unbelived face.

"Ha a friend wouldn't suck your face off without permission and i would have saved you just fine like last time."

She turned back to look at him and dropped him flat on his ass.

"And i don't know who you think you are but you aren't anyone's boyfriend bc one i have never seen your smug face in my life and Y/N would have been home bragging about how she finally got a boyfriend."

She put her hands on her hips fiercely something she always did when she was heated. Jimin was still on the ground completely caught off guard by this little bunny who had just whipped his ass and a little at himself still thinking about that kiss. He looked to you nit being able to make eye contact with either of the girls standing in front of him.

"S-sorry i don't know what came over me really."

He tried to stand up only to be shoved back down be Kenna.

"What the fuck was that, that was petiful like your life. Now apologise like a decent human being."

I couldn't help but let a smile tug at my lips bc of how protective she was but she was taking it a little to far.

"Kenna he is fine he doesn't even have to apologise he was helping."

I tried to help him up but he smacked my hand away with a disgusted look on his face.

"Look i don't need you help or anyone elses i am just fine and your right i shouldn't have to apologise bc i was helping. Maybe i should have left you and let him rape you because then."

He looked to Kenna who was giving him a deadly glare that could destroy you soul. He decided to not say anything else not wanting his ass kicked again and just loomed at you one last time.

"You know what it doesn't even matter i shouldn't have ever picked you up and let your ass walk home"

With that he walked out slightly limping from being thrown around and harshly shut the door behind him. You could hear Kenna scoff and turn ready to say something but you quickly cut her off.

"I will explain in the morning bc right now i am tired and just want to sleep."

The sadness could he heard in your voice bc you thought that maybe he felt something..but you were wrong. The words he had said to you actually hurt which was rare for you and they just replayed in your head all night. You couldn't get one minute of sleep as you thought to why he was such a jerk then a semi nice person just to be a asshole again. It didn't make sense. Kenna decided nit to argue being able to see that you were upset.

You hadn't set an alarm bc neither you or Kenna had classes today so you didn't have to get up early. You looked over to your clock seeing it was only half past 7. You drug yourself up and jumped falling off your bed as a small figure was in the door.

"Well now that your lazy ass is up you have a lot of explaining to do."

I picked my head up and saw Kenna standing at the door way. God this girl gets up early.

"Ugh ok but it is a lot so brace yourself"

She came over and sat on the bed as you picked yourself off the door and joined beside her. You explained everything from your interaction in class then to the locker room and thu gym. Lastly you told about the ride back home and the whole Yoongi situation. The entire time she had sat there with a expressionless face and listened taking in every detail.

"So that is it and i am still utterly confused so maybe you can give me some of your great advice and tell me what to do."

She seemed as if she was thinking of what to say and what not to say.

"Well after hearing all of that it sounds as if he is just another playboy that is horny and wants whatever he wants."

She looked back to me and smiled nodding her head proud of her correct words. But if course you didn't know they were true.

"Come on Kenna he wouldn't have helped me if he was just another man hoe"

She seemed almost disappointed at how nieve i was being and just shook her head.

"Look if you want to be a idiot and not believe and just fall for him go right ahead but this time i won't be there to catch you when you fall but he doesn't and just leaves."

My eyes were wide and i couldn't believe her words. Why was she being cold and not helping with my decision.

"Why are you being like this why won't you help me.

You were oblivious to his end game and she could tell. She knew you better than anyone else so that meant she also knew how clueless and gullible you were.

"Are you being serious and you that dumb? Do you not see it?.

She had stood up off the bed looking down at you angry.

"Do i not understand what?"

I was still calm but almost hurt by her actions.

"Y/N it is not that hard to see. He is just wanting to use you and then hurt you. And you are just too dumb to see it that is why you are such an easy target."

She had raised her voice but not as much in anger as the fact that she wanted to get through you thick head. She was just warning you. You scoffed and stood up starting to get angry.

"You know what i think you're just jealous. Jealous that i might have found someone who cares about me and you will never have anybody."

Both you and Kenna had lost contact with your families. You were each other's family so the words that had come out of you mouth were hurtful and unnecessary but you were too mad to realize it.

"Wow really i am jealous. Jealous of you? No trust me i am not jealous of a clueless idiot that doesn't know what is good for her and just wants to be used and thrown away."

She had venom coming off her words bc of her anger and she wasn't backing down. Not this time.

"You're just a gullible little girl who needs to fix herself before something bad happens..oh wait it already has and i saved you, me. So trust me i am not jealous or someone like you."

Both of you were hurting but didn't want to show it another thing you shared in common. You were done and pushed past her grabbing your keys and walking out the door.

You should have stayed. You should have listened to your bestfriend. And you should have solved your argument. Bc the next thing you both did was something that could make you stronger or tear your friendship apart...

The Start Of The Rest Of Your Life//Park Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now