Chapter 1; 16th Birthday

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"Rose, come on I wanna see!" My sister whined.

"Rose, come on I wanna see!" My sister whined

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My 16th BDay Dress^

I walk out and try to cover my chest. "YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!" Luna squealed.

"It shows too much." I whined.

"It's fine, Rose." Luna grabbed my arm and pulled me to the full length mirror.

"Wow, Rose, you look great." My mom gushed.

"Can I take it off now?" I asked.

"Yes, dear." My mom laughed.

" My mom laughed

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^My Outfit^

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^My Outfit^

"Ready, sis?" My sister, Luna, nocked on my door.

"Yeah." I slowly opened my door and stepped out.

"I can't believe mom is taking us to a club for our 16th birthday!!" Luna and I are twins.

"I know." I laughed.

At the club-

"Hey, Rose, over here!" My BFF, Lillith, called to me from our table.

"Hey, chicka!" I smiled and walked over to her.

"You exited to turn 16 in about 45 minutes?" She smiled and hugged me.

"No." I stated plainly.

"Why not? You ok?" Lillith frowned.

"It's just another year closer to maturity and being a beta..." I smirked.

"You playing twerp!" She punched my shoulder.

"I love the fact that I can lie and you have to believe me." I laughed.

"You're an ass!" She pouted.

"Oh, honey, trust me I know I am." I laughed.

I turn around when I hear people start singing. My mom walks in with a big cake that had 16 candles on it. My twin sister, Luna, joined me as they sang. We blew out the candles as soon as the song had ended so our little brother wouldn't sneak up and blow them out. "You get to dance on a table." Luna whispered to me.

"Oh wow, really?" I smirked.

"Rose, guess what?" My dad came around the corner smiling.

"Huh?" I laughed.

He took my hand and lead me to a huge table in the middle of the bar. My entire pack filled the bar room we were in. "Dance your heart away." My dad walked over to my mom.

Dipping down and slowly rising up while dragging my hand up my legs I swayed my hips lightly to the beat. After I had been dancing for awhile a growl erupted through the room and I lost my footing. My older brother, Nathan, tried to catch me before I hit the ground, but he wasn't quite fast enough and I landed on my ankle. I howled in pain as Nathan helped me to my feet. " I think I broke my ankle, Nathan." I leaned into him.

"Alfa Colt, this is a privately reserved room." My father growled.

"Get my mate off that table, NOW!!" He yelled.

I had my face berried in my brother's shirt as the doctor looked at my ankle. "F***ing Hell!!" I screamed as the doctor tried to pick up my ankle.

"Watch your language, Rose!" My mother glared.

"F*ck off, Mom." I growled.

"Don't talk to your mother that way, Rose." My father growled.

"Sorry, Papa." I whined.

I was sitting on the floor holding my brother's shirt and biting my lip to keep from screaming as the doctor looked over my broken ankle.

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