Part 8

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"WAKE UP CHILDREN" Slender yelled as I shot up and Max almost fell from the bed before I caught her. "Woh" I said as she fell in my arms. "Ugh. It so early" she groaned. "Well his brothers are coming over soon" I said. "Here" I said as I grabbed r/c (random color) shirt and a pair of r/c pants/jeans. "I'll change in the bathroom while you change in here" I smiled. She nodded as I turned to the bathroom. After I changed and asked if Max was done. She said yes as I opened the bathroom door. "Welp! Let's go" i smiled as I wrapped her arm around my shoulder, putting my hand on her hip. I opened my door as I held Max. I began walking down the hall and down to the kitchen. "Good morning Y/n and Max" Slender greeted us. "Hello" me and Max said at the same time. "What time are your bros coming over" Ben asked as I sat me and Max down. "Around the afternoon" Slender said as he passed out breakfast. "Is he coming" Clockwork asked. She was out killing when Slender gave the announcement. "All of them are coming" Slender sighed, not wanting to deal with the pervert called a brother. "Trenderman is like the fashion one, Splendorman is like the happy little kid who sees candy and Offenderman-" I explained, not really wanting to talk about him. I may have lost my memory, but I can NEVER forget him. "The pervert" Max finished. "Yep. Don't worry, Smile will make sure he doesn't do ANYTHING. And so help me if he does even touch you, he's getting kicked in the dick" I whispered for only Max to hear. She laughed. "Y/N" Slender shouted. "That's very rude! Why don't you tell everyone what you said" he commanded. "Ok! I said if Offender even lays a finger on Max, I'll kick him in the dick" I said. Thank god Sally isn't in here. They all began laughing. "Please" Jane laughed. "That's enough everyone" Slender shushed. "Is someone going mama bear on her cub. Or should I say mama wolf and her pup" Jeff smiled even larger then the permanent smile carved onto his face. Max blushed out of embarrassment of being called a pup. "Why yes I am, Jeffery" I smiled as I looked above his head. "Go on" I smiled at the human Smile Dog. Jeff looked confused until his head was pushed by Smiles hand into his cereal. Everyone began laughing again as Slender sighed and walked off. "WHY YOU LITTLE MUTT" Jeff yelled as he pulled his head out of the cereal, milk dropping down his face. (Are you sure it's milk~? IM SORRY THERE ARE PROBABLY KIDS READING AND IF SO why are you here?) He began running after Smile who was laughing like an insane person........... never mind. "Will he hurt Smile" Max asked, scared for Smiles life. "No he can't and I won't let him" I said as I stood up, wrapping Maxes arm around my shoulder. I walked her over to the living room, setting her down on the couch. "Sit here and watch TV, I'll make sure Smile stays ok" I smiled as I began running after Smile and Jeff. I finally found them outside, Jeff pinning Smile to a tree, knife in hand. I sneakily sneak up behind Jeff. "I swear your just a god forsaken mutt and I won't hesitate to slit your through" Jeff growled. "You wouldn't dare" Smile smirked. "Oh really" Jeff said, raising his knife for Smile to see. I finally made it to be behind Jeff, standing tall. "I wouldn't do that Jeffery" I said as I pulled Jeff away from Smile. "There will be no bloodshed today, especially between two Creepypastas" I said as Jeff kept kicking around like a child. Then a tentadrill (I don't know what to call them) wrapped around Smile, pulling him away. I looked up to see Trenderman with his weird tentadrill wrapped around Smile, pulling him away from Jeff and me. "Why, Hello Jeff and Y/n....... WAIT! Y/N?!" He said. If he had a mouth, it would be on the floor. "Uh...... hey?" I said, more as a question. "BROTHER" Trenderman yelled as Slender came running out of the mansion. "Trender what is i-" Slender I guess finally looked at the situation. "Come inside everyone, I'll explain Trender" Slender said as we walked back inside. "SMILE" Max said as she saw Trender put Smile down. Smile walked over to Max, wrapping his arms around her waist as he sat next to her. "Please tell me I can't see ghosts" Trender said to his brother. "Your not seeing things, Y/n is alive but I will explain how when the other two get here" Slender said. "S-so, Y/n..... fancy seeing you here" Trender said, clearly still shooken up. "Well ya, I was technically dead" I said, rubbing the back of my neck. "Is that Smile Dog" Trender asked, gesturing to Smile and Max. "Smile the human yes" I said, looking over to the two. "And Slender will explain who she is, when Splendor and perv get here" I said. "That he is. Don't even know HOW he's our brother" Trender said, 'pinching' his 'nose', moving his glasses up. Then a knock came at the door. "Hold on" Slender yelled as he rushed to the door. Smile and Max were long gone up to my room. "Hello Splendor, Offender!" Slender greeted. "HELLO DEAR BROTHER!" Splendor yelled. I covered my ears. Damn! He's fucking loud, I thought. "That he is" Trender said, uncovering his 'ears'. "Hello Trender, Hello Y/n! I didn't know you were coming so ea-" Splendor stopped to look at me. His black eyes widened and his mouth hung low. Finally he screamed. "Hey calm down. I'm not a ghost" I said. "B-but!" He stuttered. "Now I can explain" Slender said. He explained everything from Zalgo to Max. "So~ where is the lil wolf girl~" Offender asked. Fucking pervert I thought which caught the attention of Offender. "Oh Y/n~ Glad my favorite toy is back~" he smiled, placing is hand on my shoulder. "Go to hell" I growled biting his hand and running off to my room as he screamed. I opened the door, slamming it close. "F-Fucking pervert" I stutter out of breath. "He already get to you" Smile asked. "Ya. I bit his hand" I said. "Y/n, bring Max down to show my brothers. Be careful of Offender" Slender said in my mind. "Come on, I'll protect Max from Offender while you carry her" I said smiling. "Fine" Smile sighed as we began walking to the living room. "Meet Max" I smiled as we came into view of the living room when four -erman brothers stood. "Ooooo~ A new toy~" Offender said, smirking. "Fuck no Offender. Your not touching her" Smile and I said at the same time. "Hello! I'm Splendorman but you can call me Splendor or Splendy" "And I'm Trenderman or Trender or Trendy." "H-hi I'm Max" she stuttered, slightly scared. "Hey it's ok! Their not Offenders" I said the last part for only her to hear. "Hey! I thought of a good idea! Let's put up the Christmas tree" BEN said, running down the steps, almost falling. "What a wonderful idea!" Splendor said. "Please brother! Can we? Can we? Can we?" he annoyed Slender. "Fine just shut up" he said as he walked off to get the tree. "Oh Sally! I almost forgot" Splendor yelled as he ran to Sallys room. I laughed but then noticed Offender slowly creeping over to Max and Smile. I sent his glares that could cut threw a person. He 'looked' over at me and slowly creeped away. I pointed at my crouch then did a scissor closing, finally pointing at him. He shrunk back before running away, scared for his dick. I laughed as Max and Smile smiled at me. 'Thank you' Max and Smile mouthed then looked at each other, blushing. I winked at both, making them blush more. Slender finally came down with the tree and placed it in the middle of the room. Trender also came down with a bot full of Halloween Christmas decorations. "Wait! Wait! Wait! I have the perfect thing to wear" I smiled as I ran up to my room, putting on the Jack Skeleton onezy. I ran back out of my room to the living room. "How long have you been waiting to wear that" Jeff asked, cracking an actual smile apart from his carved one. "Sents I got my memory back AND found this" I smiled. "Well let's decorate this tree to get it over with" EJ said.
-Time Skip because person need to get this story done before Christmas and is tired-

"And, Done!" I smiled as I jumped off of the latter. "SALLY! COME PUT THE STAR UP" I yelled as Sally came running down with a teddy bear and a skull like star. I put Sally on my shoulders as I climbed the latter to the top. Sally sat the skull star on the top of the tree. I climbed down after Slender took Sally from my shoulders, not wanting either of us to get hurt. I ran to the group of others, admiring the Halloween like Christmas tree.

"This is what a real family is."


Hello everyone and Happy Holidays! Even though this will be posted on the 23rd. I just wanna say, I love you all! You helped me make it this far and I couldn't have my life any other way. I hope you have a wonderful rest of 2017 and a wonderful holiday! Bye!!

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