Chapter 3.

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Shout Out Too All her fans and all the people sticking by her-Cassie!!

kk..finna do the story



Prod drove and let me roc and cassie sit in the back..i could tell she was use to boys cuz she didn't freak out and act like a little girl...she played with roc and stuff and she was socail..but i wanted her for myself so i decided to interrupt her convo with roc.....they looked kinda cute sitting there laughing and joking around

Wait what am i saying she's mines...."Cassie"....I say shly.."huh"..she say shocked..."do you mind if i walk you to the door"..still in my shy voice.."Ummm..ok dont try anything though"..she warns me..."No prob"..i say blushing.."Ok"....she blushes...she looks so cute blushing i just wanna rip her clothes apart..."damn i want you" slipped out but only she heard it

We get to her house and she steps over roc her pushes her ass on the sly and she giggles...we get out the car and i try to make conversation..."So"..i say swinging back in forth...."You are so nervous aren't you..look i don't bite only if you wan't me too"..she say.."Me Mr Fernando never gets nervous"..she giggles and we get to her door..


He looks me straight in the eye and he kisses me..i can say his lips were soft but i wasn't ready for a boyfriend yet..not after what's his i slitly push away..." wanna hang for a while"...i cant believe i just said that now he's going to think i'm moving to fast.."Sure"....he say's 

He tells the boys to come in and gentry goes wild...."NOW YOU KNOW MOM AIN't GONE LET THEM BOYS IN THE HOUSE!!"...all i heard was let them in they are so nice imma go fix us something to i lead them upstairs to my room...and they had a shocked expression on their faces

Roc:You got almost all the game systems in here

Ray:Ikr.....what we gone play first

Me:I got call of duty,grand theft auto all of them,and whatever you can find over there

Prod,Ray,and Roc run to the game systems...they really like games..but i still got puffy behind me and my two sisters...."You Three want to come in"..i say sarcastically..they nod and the girls go straight over to the boys....i swear sometimes they can get boy crazy...and puff is still beside me he really likes me..maybe i work my magic and tease him....

Me:Umm..wanna go to the living room


We get to the living room and he sits down...."Umm..wanna watch a movie or some"..i suggested.."sure"..he said nervously...i pop in a movie and he spread his legs across the couch i go get some blankets and snacks and lay next to him

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