If you read my bio. I didn't explain who I was clearly. Also Why the f**k are you doing this Izzy? Because I have nothing else to do. So deal with it people. Lol kill me. I suck on the internet I know. What should I tell you about myself first.
Random anon about to flip the table: Where do you live, where can I find you?
Uhhhhmmmm no I will just start off with personal stuff but not my adress or phone number.
So My real name is Elizabeth Dipalma. (Call me Izzy or Uknown please) Meh birthday is June 25. And I think I'm bi sexual, It's not official but Its a feeling I have been feeling for a while.
Should I share my fandoms? Maybe some of them....
Fandoms in no particular order:
Steven universe
Gravity Falls
Star wars
Camp camp
And many more.....Also I have a question for woofTales
If I give you a drawing Of me can you make a better version of it?Why have I made this sin???