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I really hate it when a professor doesn't even warn us that he won't be able to come to class. It's such a waste of time waking up early and preparing, then going to class only to be sent home again.

"What the hell.." I mumble to myself as I open the door and see our foyer covered in boquets of tulips. There are so many and there are even some placed at the foot of the stairs. They are quite beautiful with all the different colors blending together. But why the hell do we have so many of these?

"Ruby?" I call for her, my voice loud enough to echo through our entire ground floor. I hear her padded footsteps and she apears in her usual outfit. She raises her eyebrows asking what it is I want and I gesture my hand in the air, pertaining to the flowers.

"Why the hell do we have these in here? And where's daddy? Have you seen Stephen?" I bombard her with questions a bit harshly.

"Your dad left early and left you something in the living room. Stephen has soccer. And these flowers are from that boy." She points outside the window to Harry's house. Why would he give me these? I mean, it's a sweet gesture but they'll probably die right away. Tulips are my favorite flowers and I know they don't last that long. I nod at Ruby and shoo her away. She smiles and returns to whatever it she was doing.

I can't help but stroke the set of flowers which rests on top of the console table. Different shades of pinks blend together and my fingers tangle with a hard edge. I look on the side of the vase and a small envelope is tucked in between the flowers. I open it and reveals a little note.

"I can't stop thinking about you." I read and the card is engraved with his initials in golden ink. He is so.. sweet? Just the other day we went out on a date, which didn't end up the way I pictured it to be, but it was a great time. Although I know I got pissed a little about that story behind his tattoo. I know I can't bring myself into admitting that I can't stop thinking about him, too. Yesterday, I couldn't even listen to what Olivia was telling me when I took her shopping. She ended up rolling her eyes at me several times and swatting my arm repeatedly. When I had dinner with daddy and Stephen, they have to call my name three times to get my attention. I kept thinking about how I let Harry hold my hand the entire time we were at the carnival and how he hugged me because I was getting cold.

I put the card inside the envelope and shove it in my jeans' back pocket. I go to the living room and drop my bad on the couch. I see another envelope resting on the table, a little Tiffany box beside it. It is an invitation to a gala that my dad is hosting and he clearly wants me to attend. I promised Olivia that we're gonna talk about that beach party today but I guess I'm gonna have to cancel. Daddy also left a note saying that I should wear the jewelry he got for me and I immediately open the box.

I gasp at the sight of the studded diamond earrings and can't help but stroke the perfectly cut edges. The earrings are teardrop-cut and they are so clear, reflections of rainbows flash through my eyes as I tilt them. What am I going to wear? And who am I gonna go with? First instinct is to call Phoenix and tell him to prepare. He usually is the one who accompanies me in these kinds of events, he is well-exposed with these certain occasions. But my mind jump to the thought of Harry. I think I'm going to try and invite him, if he doesn't want to go, then I will go with Phoenix.

I see Harry's car parked in front of his house and I knock on his door. Why doesn't he has a doorbell? Everyone in this neighborhood has one. I knock again against his heavy, wooden door and it flies open. Harry is looking down when he opens the door and the surprise is evident in his eyes when he realizes that it's me. I blankly stare at him for a while, studying what he's wearing. Why is he wearing glasses? He looks so different. He is in his tight black jeans, much similar to what he wore the other day. He's wearing a plain white shirt but the longsleeved plaid shirt covers it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2014 ⏰

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