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Maggie locked herself in the ladies' restroom of the DEO and stared at herself in the mirror. Under the harsh fluorescent lights she looked weary and lighter brown than her usual caramel colour. Dark circles had formed under her eyes. The fact that she could see them meant that they would be difficult conceal. She sighed.

She pulled her hair back before splashing cold water on her face. She did not deserve the comfort of warm water now. There would be plenty of time for that when they found Alex. Numbness began setting into her fingers under the running water. Part of her wished it could set into her entire body. As far as Maggie was concerned, the numbness were a mild annoyance compared to what Alex was coping with. She slammed the faucet shut and grabbed nearby paper towels to dry her face and hands.

Her eyes tracked the room. A row of five stainless steel sinks lined the wall. Across the room were the toilet stalls and at the side were shower cubicles. Clean, quick and efficient like everything else in the DEO. Like Alex. But Alex was also warm, soft, loving, funny, passionate and caring. So caring, so incredible, so perfect.

She suddenly remembered teasing Alex about this same restroom a few days ago. They were washing dirty dinner dishes in Maggie's apartment when Maggie casually asked her if she ever thought about workplace sex. Of course Maggie figured she had caught Alex by surprise so she waited for the adorable, awkward, red-faced stutters and laughs but her woman shocked her by answering confidently, "Yes."

It was Maggie's turn to stutter and mumble. Alex had laughed and said, "Come on Maggie. Have you seen yourself walk into the DEO? With all your swagger, charm and that smile? My God woman, it takes all my training and restraint not to drag you into an empty room or the stalls in the ladies' room."

"You've given this some thought Danvers," Maggie recovered smoothly.

Alex gave her a smouldering look. "Oh you have no idea and it's all your fault."

"Any specific room?"

"Ladies' room because it's usually empty. Less women around than the guys. The shower stalls are off to the side so there's additional privacy. But we wouldn't be in the shower...yet. There's this huge wall that's just perfect to...well you know."

Maggie's eyes had darkened with lust.

"No, I don't know," Maggie whispered, "Tell me." Dishes forgotten, Alex showed her instead.

Maggie shook her head angrily. Get yourself under control Sawyer. Alex needs you to find her not fucking daydream. God, you're pathetic. You are a detective. Fucking detect, you worthless piece of shit. Alex deserves better than this. The memories of her girlfriend, however, were not fading. It was as though the room was haunted by her smile and her voice.

Focus Maggie. Focus on the future. Not the past.

The past several hours, however, hit her like a ton of bricks. She felt something sharp and tight building in her chest. She paced the length of the restroom trying to wrestle control of her feelings. The walls seemed closer than normal. Her stomach rolled. Her chest felt so heavy that she tried breathing in deeper, but it was painful...too painful to breathe. She braced against a nearby wall as she started heaving. Terrified at the overwhelming emotions crashing into her, she clutched her chest.

Her eyes burned as hot tears dripped down her face. She immediately covered her mouth with both hands to stop the misery from clawing its way out of her throat. Her breath quickened. Maggie leaned back against the wall as her knees weakened. Not trusting herself to stay quiet, she kept her hands clamped over her mouth as she slid to the floor and rested on her heels.

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