Chapter 5

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Echo's POV

As we finally reached the waterfall it seems we had run into some unexpected guests.

A girl and one boy armed. As I thought back when they were introducing the contestants i realized there both names were Liz and Bonnie, maybe I was paying attention just a little. Liz was carrying a dagger while Bonnie was carrying a bow and arrow. As they spotted us one thought came into my mind: RUN!

Apparently Ashton,D.R,Skylar got the message and ran down as fast as we could too reach a nearby tree. The only problem was that Bonnie has a bow and arrow  which can kill us from long distances.

Bonnie then sends an arrow whizzing through the air aiming at Skylar. I yelled too her ''DUCK!'' and she did it instantly, it misses Skylar as soon as she dived to the ground. Liz then catches up throwing her dagger aiming at me as I continued running and it missed me by a inch, hitting the tree. I wouldnt miss this once in  a life time chance. I grabbed the dagger from the tree and yelled ''Thanks!''

''Nice job. We finally got a weapon.'' Ashton said. I then actually forgot that Bonnie was still on our tail.I hid from a nearby tree, while the others were cornered. I had to do this quick. I took this as an opportunity, and i quickly ran too Bonnie and slashed him across the face with my dagger.He screams and falls to the ground as the blood starts pouring from across his face.Skylar quickly grabbed the bow and arrow from Bonnie as we watched him die painfully.

We then continued running back the way we came too the waterfall.. that is intill Liz finally caught up with us. ''Sorry. but Bonnie is dead.'' I murmured heartless as i could be. I didnt need to show how i really feel, people would consider me weak. ''you.. killed my brother?! you heartless asshole!'' Liz yelled at me.  I killed her brother? 

Liz pulled me down to the ground and started wrestling me while beating me up, As i struggle too get off I managed too hit her hard with my forehead.Even through i managed a hit  she still wouldnt get the fuck off. D.R and Ashton kept trying too pull her off of me,while Skylar was just standing there. ''You bitch!'' Liz kept on saying. Which seemed like forever, finally she suddenly stopped and i noticed a arrow stabbed into her. I noticed it was Skylar who shot the arrow.

Liz fell too the ground and I checked her pulses. Nothing. She was dead. ''I'm so sorry..'' I murmured. As I got up I felt bad, the feeling i wanted to deny was coming to me again.. damn it. I destroyed there  relationship and there family must hate me now.

I recieved a pat on the back from D.R murmuring It will be alright. That seemed to keep me going. That is intill D.R bracelet showed who died and who killed that person.

Dead Team 2

Liz Maxwell - Killed By Skylar Jefferson

Bonnie Maxwell - Killed By Echo Lorraine

'' Dont be sad. Echo. I killed someone too..'' Skylar said 

With that we finally got too the waterfall again, and we noticed noone was there. Either got there supplies or setting a trap. ''Echo. Skylar. You guys have a weapon you better protect us. Even through its kinda cheesy how you too are protecting a guy.'' Ashton explains

''Haha. Will do we'll make this as corny as much as you like.'' I laughed

Finally after looking around the ghost was clear. No sound was made. We took this chance and ran too our supplies as fast as we could. While Me and Skylar still scanned the place over. 

''Got it!'' Ashton shouted. ''Now we'll survive... for now.'' 

'' Now we need a place to hide for the night..'' D.R said ''I saw a place before when we were running which looked like a cave well hidden.How about there?'' I asked ''Sounds good now lets go.'' Ashton said

Just as we were about too leave. Skylar collasped onto the ground. I gasped and ran over too her.

''Skylar!Skylar! Whats wrong? What happened?'' I started freaking out

Ashton then ran over too us and noticed- ''She has a heat stroke! Throw her in the water!'' 

''What?! You mad?!'' I yelled. D.R had no problem and just threw her into the water. ''What the fuck! D.R!?'' 

She paused and finally spoke ''....D.R? my names Darkness Ridg-

''Ridge. I get it. now will u go and pick her up now?'' Ashton said D.R quickly went and was about to grab her when Skylar got out of the water angry. ''What the actual fuck! I just so happened to collaspe and the next minute some idiot threw me in the dang water!'' She yelled

Me and Ashton couldnt help it but let out a chuckle. ''...Idiot? So im an idiot for saving your life?'' D.R asked

''Well.. it was refreshing.. '' Skylar murmured

''Stop being cheesy we have to go hide now.'' Ashton said '' Show us too the cave Echo.''


Mason's POV

Ever since Zack has gotten an injured hand. Rachel's been ignoring me. Even through it was a minor injury.Even through we went too the waterfall and poured water on it.                                                Is the safety of some guy you just met more important then your boyfriend?

It was pissing me off so much too the point I couldnt take it anymore.

''Guys. I'm going to go hunting for food.'' I said 

''Go ahead. we have two weapons. I prefer if you took the dagger so we can have our safety with the gun. But.. i guess we can surivive without the gun. After all im a really expert at the dagger dude so take the gun.'' Shane said

Shane threw me the gun and I caught it carefully. I didnt tell Rach and Zack i didnt want to bother them.

As I ran off into the mystic forest. I felt like i was regretting volunteering too join this game.

I was interrupted by a guy's scream. I ran too where i had heard the scream ready too fire my gun at any moment.I hid by a nearby tree and took a peek, someone just died. 

I went too go study who that person was. It was some guy from team 3. 

As I continued studying him I checked if he had any weapons or food in his pockets but nothing. Just a dead lifeless body.

As I was about too go. I heard someone laugh in the distance. 

''Whos there?!'' I asked and grabbed my gun cautiously

''H-e-l-l-o.'' A voice said 

''Come out!'' I yelled

''Too shoot me? N-a-h.'' The voice spoke again

I traced the voice and I realized it was a feminine voice. I tried to remember back at the contestants too figure out the voice. It hitted me. That voice. It was-





''Come out.....Alice.'' I exclaimed








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