Chapter 10

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In the middle of the night, Judal was tossing, turning, and groaning in his sleep. Sinbad had awakened from the constant movement and his eyes widened as he looked at his lover's face that showed discomfort. " Don't touch me... stay away... no more..." The magi called out in his sleep. Sinbad took a moment before he was hit with the sudden realization of what the raven could possibly be dreaming about. " Judal... Judal, wake up. You're not there anymore, I'm here with you now." He said as he gently rubbed circles into Judal's back. He could feel the cold body within his arms tremble as tears ran down the magi's face. Sinbad sat up with the raven still in his arms which caused Judal to jolt awake from the movement. He breathed heavily to calm his racing heart as he looked around, desperately trying to figure out where he was. He looked up to see Sinbad looking down at him with concern written across his face. "S-Sin... I-I..."

"Sshh... Just take a moment to calm down, then we'll talk, okay?" the king said as he leaned down to kiss the magi's forehead. Judal simply nodded and laid his head on Sinbad's chest and tried to collect his thoughts. The king repositioned Judal so that the shorter male was sitting on his lap and his head laid on the king's shoulder. He gently stroked the long jet black locks and kissed the top of Judal's head. "Sinbad... Please don't hate me... I'm sorry...!"

"Sshh... you've done nothing wrong... I could never hate you."

"Y-You yelled at me... you made me go back to Parthevia... He kept touching me and hitting me...! Please don't be mad at me!"

"I'm not angry with you and I would never send you back to him, you have my word. It killed me to just see you with him the first time. No matter how angry I get, I would never give you away. I brought you here because I love you and I need you. I'm being selfish, I want you all to myself and now that I have you... You'll always be mine. I wanted to give you something that you could call a family. I could never just take all of that away from you after how hard you've been trying to improve yourself. I could never do that to you. Please understand when I tell you that for as long as you live, I will make sure that you will always have a place to call home. You will always have a place to come back too, and that's a promise that I will keep." He gently held the magi's hand and brought them up to his lips to kiss. The magi's eyes were squeezed shut as he cried out all of his emotions. Sinbad held the magi, refusing to let him go as he let the younger male cry on his shoulder.

Eventually, the magi fell asleep from exhaustion. Sinbad laid back down, holding the sleeping male protectively, then, watched over him, in case of any sign of more night terrors. He eventually drifted back to sleep, not letting go of his raven.


Later that morning Sinbad woke up to see that Judal had somehow maneuvered himself out of his arms. He started to panic, wondering where his lover could have gone. He quickly got up and put on his clothes and made his way out of the room. He went to meet with his generals like he did every morning. As he opened the door, he smiled when he saw a certain raven turn around and look at him with their beautiful crimson red eyes. "Morning everyone!" Sinbad said as he sat down next to Judal and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. "Morning Sin!" Everyone said in unison. Sinbad smiled at everyone, then turned his attention back to his magi. "How are you feeling?"

"I-I'm alright, thanks for last night."

"No problem! I'll always be here when you need me!"

"Somebody seems excited." Ja'far stated, "Well, I wouldn't say excited, but I am happy that I could be of help to Judal." Judal laid his head on Sinbad's lap, making the older male smile and comb his fingers through the long silky black hair. "You didn't wake me up for breakfast Judal..."

"It's not my responsibility to wake you up Sinbad~ But if you must know why I decided not to wake you, it's because I thought you deserved to sleep in."

"How sweet of you~" Sinbad grinned. Judal pouted and looked away from him. "I'm a little surprised that you decided to come here by yourself today."

"Well... Alibaba kept me company until everyone started coming in, So I didn't mind too much. Although, I do wish I had stayed in bed."

"You did have a pretty rough night. I thought you would get more sleep."

"Sorry to interrupt, but am I the only one getting weird ideas of what these two did last night after the party?" Pisti asked, making the room filled with laughter. Judal groaned lightly "We didn't do anything. I just had a weird dream last night so when I woke up I was exhausted, but I really didn't want to go back to bed, so, I walked around the palace for a bit and met up with Alibaba."

"What was your dream about?" Yamuraiha asked. "Can't tell you..."

"Is it embarrassing???" Spartos asked. "I guess you could say that... It was more scary to me than anything. It involved Parthevia's new king..."

"Well, I can assure you, no matter what day he decides to show up we'll be ready. We'll get through this together, you are apart of our family after all!" Hinahoho added with a warm smile. "Family... right." Judal smiled lightly and sat up. Sinbad wrapped his arm around Judal's waist as he ate. Judal leaned against Sinbad and closed his eyes, still exhausted from the lack of sleep. "Do you want to go back to sleep?" Judal quickly shook his head. "I'll just end up having another nightmare..." he mumbled. "I'll be here for you."

"I know you will Sinbad" Judal smiled lightly. He was happy that the generals were trying to include him in their lives. He didn't really understand what changed their minds about him, but he was happy and he felt a bit safer like a bit of weight on his shoulders had been lifted.

AN: Hey everyone! Sorry this is so short, but I had a family emergency, I'm kind of stressed out at the moment and I'm also sick, but I really wanted to get out a chapter to you all for Christmas. So, I hope you all have a happy holiday!! 

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