Part 1

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My first fanfic EVER! Okay so I'm like copyrighting this lol I came up with all of this! I expect credit! Thanks for reading! (:

I never liked shopping for people. I despised the idea of buying someone something during Christmas time or their birthday; it was so stressful, but I did it anyway. It was the beginning of December and I had just started my quest to find the perfect Christmas gifts for my friends and family. I was nonchalantly browsing an aisle of men's shirts when I turned around to be greeted by a steaming cup of coffee. I lifted my sweater away from my chest to extinguish the searing pain as I sighed in disgust. "Oh my.. I'm so very sorry!" A beautiful voice had suddenly filled my ears before I could look up to it's owner's face. Oh how I love British accents! How could I even begin to be angry at that? I slowly moved my gaze from my burning chest up to the intriguing stranger's face. I knew that face. 

"Liam.. Payne." I could barely even choke out that handful of words.

This could seriously not be happening. I flashed back about four years.. To my endless days of fangirling over five insanely talented- and did I mention- totally hot boys. To every cent I spent to just get a glimpse of them. You would assume all of that quickly ended as the hype of this amazing European boy band had died down. But it didn't. I still love them just as much as ever, now I just don't have the guts to flaunt my 'One Direction Infection' as much as I did in high school.

"Let me go get some napkins!" Liam started to dart back to the little coffee shop in the department store. I quickly grabbed his arm, "No, it's okay. I have some." As I desperately rummaged through my purse for a napkin he spoke again. "Can I have that dry cleaned for you? Maybe I can buy you a new shirt?" He held up a hideous, floral, ruffled top. It was was so cute that he felt this bad. But the shirt was god awful. "That's horrid." I managed to speak while cracking a smile. We both ended up laughing. "How about I take you out for some coffee instead? I sure can use another." He half chuckled. "I'd like that." It was so hard for me to contain all of the emotions that were rushing inside of me. I felt as if my entire life was turned upside down. Like a whirlwind of emotions had just taken over me. 

I stood there watching as what used to be a small group slowly formed into a crowd around Liam. He was taking pictures with fans and signing autographs, like he had done probably a million times in his life already. It was not a shock that the band was still so popular, they had topped the charts so many times already, and broke records for ticket sales. It sePems like just yesterday my friend and I decided we would just die if we didn't meet them. I wish she could be here now. The barista at the coffee shop had called mine and Liam's names because our drinks were done. I made my way over to the counter and saw Liam's head jerk up. He gave me a smile and mouthed 'sorry'. I could tell he was afraid I was leaving. I grabbed our coffees, a magazine, and a table and waited for the crowd of fans to die off.

It was almost an hour later when he sat down, exhausted, and joined me. I greeted him with a wide grin, "Welcome back." He gave the same smile back, "Thanks love." The thought of him calling me 'love' sent shivers up and down my spine. He began to apologize but I stopped him, "Never be sorry for making people happy. Especially your fans." I realized I had reached across the table and placed my hand on top of his. Afraid of what he may think, I quickly pulled back and put my hand in my lap. "Your coffee is cold," I said with a frown. "I guess I've just been having a spell of bad luck with coffee tonight," he looked down at the table. I studied his face. Did he think running into me was bad luck? I started to worry. He looked up at me, "Well, except for meeting you, of course." Thankfully he interrupted my racing thoughts.

It was already passed closing but the store gave us quite some time before they finally kicked us out. It was already dark out and a brisk wind had replaced the cool breeze that was there this afternoon. Liam watched as I clutched my chest and quickly removed his jacket and gave it to me. "Thanks," I looked into his beautiful, chocolate brown eyes. His driver was waiting for him in a big, black SUV. "Do you have a ride?" He asked me. "Yeah," I pointed to my beloved Audi TT. We chatted some more as he walked me to my car. I was watching his brake lights fade into black as I sat in my car trying to recall all of the events that had just taken place.

I Prefer the Word, "Fate" (A Liam Payne fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now