Part 2

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1 year later.. (May)

"Okay, call me when you land! Have a safe flight!" I hung up the phone and set it down on the counter. It has been almost two months since I've seen Liam and the boys. They were coming back in town to visit. I've been aching just to see his face, in person. It is hard not seeing your best friend very often. Although we talked on the phone almost every night, it just wasn't the same without having Liam here, by my side. I promised the boys I would prepare them a magnificent dinner for their return, I was making my famous lasagna. I was straightening up the place when the next thing I knew it I was awakened by a knock at the door. I must've dozed off. I checked my phone and realized I had missed calls from Liam. I ran to the door to find five beautiful faces greeting me. Liam hugged me first, swinging me around. "I missed you!" he said giddily as I hugged him back.

We caught up during dinner. They told me about their adventures in the states they had visited during the past two months. They seemed to have a great time, and I was happy for them. I couldn't be anymore proud of them for being as successful as they were. It is just so hard not being able to see them very often. The connection I had with these five boys was unexplainable; they were the best friends anyone could ask for. Louis interrupted me, "You alright there, hun?" I noticed I hadn't been eating, but just pushing the food around on my plate. I wasn't quite sure what was bothering me so much. There was just so much on my mind, I felt like there was something I wanted to get off my chest. "I'm great!" I tried to sound enthused but failed miserably. The boys stopped talking and looked at me. I was afraid they could tell there was something wrong. I plastered on a fake smile and sprung out of my chair. I started cleaning up the plates when Liam stood up to help. "You guys can go pick out a movie while we clean up," Liam shot the boys a serious look. It made me wonder what was up. "That lasagna was amaaazing," he put his arm around me and rubbed his stomach as I placed the dishes in the sink. I just laughed and then looked up to him. He turned me around and hugged me, "I just missed you so much," he whispered. We stood there in the kitchen for a moment and before I think or could say anything his lips were crushed against mine.

I've always heard that when you finally have that perfect kiss, you feel sparks and it's like time stops, and it is as if there is nothing else around you. Well, I'm here to tell you it's no myth. It felt like an eternity that we were standing there, in each others arms, lips locked. When we eventually pulled back, we stood there for a second. He gave me an adorable smile and I replied to him with one just as big. I could feel my cheeks turning red, I looked down at my feet. He put his hand under my chin and lifted it up. I was on my tip toes when he kissed me again. It was just as amazing as the first time. I was still standing in the middle of the kitchen smiling after I told him I would take care of the mess. He went to join the other boys. They were still arguing about which movie to watch. Anxious to join them, I shoved the dishes in the dishwasher and walked out into the living room. I slumped onto the couch next to Liam. He gave me some more room and adjusted so he could put his arm around me. I saw Niall eying us but pretended not to notice. I wondered if the boys knew anything about us. How long has Liam felt anything for me? I remember loving him since the day we met in that department store. I wasn't sure until now exactly how I felt for him, what kind of love did I feel for this boy before? I now knew what had been bothering me so much these past couple days. How typical was it to fall in love with your best friend? "Finally!" Harry shouted. They decided on what movie to watch, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Zayn put it in the player. The last thing I remembered was a boat full of men getting attacked by beautiful, seductive mermaids when I dozed off in Liam's arms.

It was 6 am when I woke up. Liam was holding me tightly. I could smell his cologne, it was heavenly. He tucked the piece of hair that was in my face behind my ear. "Morning beautiful," he gave me that smile that I loved so much. I sat up to see that the other boys were not around. "The other guys went back to the hotel," he said. "And you stayed here with me?" It was obviously a rhetorical question but I couldn't help the fact. "Of course, love. I never want to leave you," just him saying that gave me a major case of butterflies. He made me feel so happy inside. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, "Do you want breakfast?" I asked him. He grinned, "Yeah, need some help?" "No, you just stay put, I got it," I ruffled his hair and got up. I can feel his eyes on me as I went into the kitchen. The kitchen. When I entered the doorway a flood of emotions suddenly came back to me. I recalled the events of last night. It was so unreal, but I've never been happier.

Liam offered to clean up the kitchen so I could hop in the shower. He told me to get ready; he had a day planned out for just the two of us. I stood in front of my closet in only a towel, trying to figure out what to wear when Liam snuck up and hugged me from behind. "You know, you could go out just like that. You look marvelous in that towel," his lips grazed my ear as he whispered into it. It sent shivers up and down my spine. I grinned and my cheeks turned red. He always knew how to flatter me. "You're so adorable when you blush," he smiled a great big smile, causing me to giggle and blush even more. "How 'bout we see what's under that towel, huh?" he said as he reached for my waist. I dodged his grip and playfully punched him in the arm then chased after him. "Liaaam!" I shouted through my laughter as he ran into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. I walked back to my closet still smiling to myself and chose a short, blue dress and my favorite wedges to wear.

I was applying my make up in front of the mirror on my dresser when the bathroom door opened. "You don't need all that make up ya know. You're beautiful just the way you are." Liam walked out with only a towel wrapped around his waist and winked at me. His abs were perfectly chiseled and his hair was still dripping wet. He was so gorgeous. I had to stop myself from staring too long. Liam always kept extra clothes in my closet just in case. Now I realize why that was a genius idea. He walked over and picked out a white v-neck and some khakis. I could've stayed there and watched him dress. But I was embarrassed. I went into the bathroom to dry my hair and when I came back out he was ready. He grabbed my hands, our fingers intertwined. "You are so beautiful," he smiled his adorable grin and pressed his lips to mine. My smile interrupted our kiss, "So I've heard.." I giggled and put my lips back to his. He kissed me sweetly, and then more passionately, our tongues wrestled for dominance. My hands ran through his hair and his travelled down to my hips. The taste of his mouth made me want him so badly. I never wanted to be a moment without him. I couldn't imagine anything different than what life was like right now.

"Where are you taking me?" I hesitantly took a few steps forward. Liam had blind folded me and was now dragging me to our next destination. It was quite the struggle for him to get me to wear the blind fold once we were sitting in the back of the boys' SUV. After moments of me protesting, he tickled me until I had gave in. "Liiiaam, where on earth are you taking me?!" I tried to cover up my anxiousness with an awkward laugh. "Just hold on one more moment." He whispered into my ear. We stopped walking and he removed my blindfold. Once my eyes adjusted to the bright sun, I realized we were in a park and an adorable picnic was set up just feet in front of where we were standing. "Surprise!" He gave me a nudge. "Aww, Liam! I love it!" I couldn't help but have a huge grin on my face. "I hope you're hungry! And just wait until we get to dessert." Liam had one of his cheeky smiles plastered on his face. I couldn't believe how perfect everything was.

The sun was already setting when Liam sat up from how we were laying on our blanket. "Kelsey, I have something for you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, black box. I instantly had butterflies in my stomach. He opened the box to reveal a silver ring. It was just a band but it was breathtaking. "This is a promise ring. I promise to always be here for you no matter what. No one has ever made me feel the way you do, babe. You are my everything. I love you." He placed the ring on my finger. I noticed it had an infinity sign engraved on the inside. "I love you, too Liam." I hopped up into his lap and kissed him. I burrowed my face into his chest and we laid there, just as the first stars were beginning to appear in the beautiful, night sky.

Cheesy? I know lol but okay tell me what you thought of it! More fanfics to come! (:

I Prefer the Word, "Fate" (A Liam Payne fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now