Chapter one

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(hey, just a p.s. I do not own Magi, and this story is written merely for fun. I hope you enjoy.)

"How about this attack!" Trevor said with a grin, sending multiple streams of his darkness magic my way. I smiled and twisted around them, using a combination of my hands and feet to launch myself around in an acrobatic style. Seeing as I had an aerial advantage, I jumped down on his Borg and kicked it as hard as I could, seeing it crack in the area my foot connected with. I felt slightly successful and leapt up, feeling a few shadows nearly Nick my legs. I then landed on the ground, twenty feet away, and I winked at my brother. "You almost got me. I gotta say man, your magic moves pretty fast for shadows." Trevor just chuckled. "They're enhanced shadows, they travel at lightning speed." He then looked at me and sighed. "I'm honestly surprised you were able to dodge them. You seem to get faster and faster everyday." I smiled at the compliment. "I can only hope so. I'm gonna need this speed if we ever stand a chance at taking on dungeons." I said while envisioning us taking on a dungeon. Trevor sat in thought for a few moments, then stood up. "Is that something you really wanna do?" He asked me, looking serious. I paused for a moment, then jumped up with determination. "Hell yes!" My voice rang out with excitement. Trevor started walking south and motioned for me to follow. "Come on, there's not one far from here." He said while walking. I walked alongside him silently, my mind spinning in an entirely different direction. 'I can't wait to be the hero!' I thought to myself, feeling my face splitting into a goofy smile. "It's right up here." He said, his words cutting me from my heroic thoughts. I looked up the mountain, and sure enough, I saw a temple looking building. "Incredible." Was all I said as I felt my legs carrying me towards the gate. Trevor was first in line somehow, then used his magic to open up the gateway. "See you on the other side bro." Were the last words I heard before he disappeared completely through the dimensional gate. I took a deep breath, steeling my resolve. Then I leapt in, feeling the world swirl around me. It was a couple second transition, but it felt like hours. Nothing but rapid and random colors, twisting themselves all over the place. The seizure show finally ended, and I was staring at the first dungeon I ever set foot in. "Looks a little ominous." I said, taking in the unnerving stillness of the atmosphere. We were on an island, surrounded by deep waters. I shivered a little, feeling a little on edge by what could be lurking within them. I felt Trevor's hand on my back and squeaked, leaping forward and spinning around, my foot caught on Trevor's passive Borg. "Good thing those are the speed of light." He chuckled. I smiled sheepishly and turned back around. "Sorry, I didn't mean to walk into you. I guess I did it without noticing." I apologised. I walked to the edge and looked back at him. "Care to shed some light on the situation?" I asked. He nodded and lifted his rod, summoning an orb of light that bobbed lightly up and down above the waters surface, revealing the water to be about twenty to thirty feet deep. I could see a couple scary looking aquatic creatures, but they didn't seem all that threatening. I kept searching, then saw an eel looking animal with a shiny object hung around its neck. Upon further inspection, it turned out to be a key. "God dammit." I said aloud, realizing what I had to do. Trevor looked at me curiously, and I just looked back with a half smile. "Add animal abuse to my list of transgressions." Was all I said before I leapt in and swam towards the eel. It was crazy the way everything acted when I jumped in. All the aquatic animals turned into merpeople. Their gazes were focused on me. It was a little rattling, their yellow eyes illuminating in the dark waters. I could also make out they had claws and sharp teeth. What creeped me out the most was their eyes. They seemed almost dead. I could tell they were living due to the fact their heads turned very slowly, keeping my entire body in view. I reached the eel, which to my surprise starting to cave in on itself, forming a more developed, mutated looking merperson. Instead of it having claws, I could see defined hands, although it had fin like blades on its elbows. It stared me down for a while, then that's when it happened. It was quick and small, but I noticed it nonetheless. A rippling effect from behind me is what put me on edge, and I felt my entire body tense up on instinct. 'Hey, Creed. Watch out behind you, one of those fish freaks is giving you the stank eye.' I heard Trevor's voice in my head. 'yeah, I noticed. This is freaking me out man. What if I don't make it?' I said back, sounding a little more worried than I wanted to. I just heard his laughter in my head. 'are you kidding? You're a fanalise. You shouldn't be afraid of a few fish people. Now get the key and let's get the hell out of here.' he said. 'okay, turn up the light.' I replied, almost instantly seeing the effect of him putting more magic into the orb. Once I relaxed and got into a more aggressive position, that's when all hell broke loose. I felt more ripples behind me, and my body instinctively turned. I stuck my foot out as hard as I could, it going through the creature behind me. I then turned around and charged the buffer version of these things. I grabbed the key and kicked off of it. I made my legs kick as hard as they could, and I felt my body break through the surface. I quickly climbed onto the island and held up the key, standing in a victory stance. "I did it! I'm a hero!" I enunciated with a fist pump. My smile faded as I started to feel as if my legs were on fire. I looked down and saw they were marked in various cuts and scratches, some very deep. I walked over and gave Trevor the key. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked, his eyes conveying a large amount of concern. Not wanting him to worry, I nodded and smiled. "Well of course I am. I'm a fanalise, remember? It'll take much more than that to bring me down." Trevor just nodded and we split up, looking for the door. After a few moments of searching he found it and called me over.  I bolted over, and in a few moments we were through the door. When we came into the room, we saw a young man fighting off some kind of hellish monster. It knocked him back, albeit him blocking the major brunt of the damage with his sword. I saw the monster go to swing at him again, and I ran in front with plenty of time to spare, blocking the giants fist. I managed to throw him back a little with my strength. He went to swing down on me, and my body tensed up. But the hit never came. I looked up and saw the giants body was dripping with blood, all from black streams that were protruding from the ground. I looked over at Trevor with a look of surprise, while his gaze met mine with a lazy smile. "I can manipulate the shadows of other people Creed, you seem to forget that." I gave him a questioning look. "Then why haven't you done that to me in all our times of sparring?" I said. He just scoffed and looked at me. "Because I wanted it to be a fair fight. Not much fun when I can immobilize you in seconds." He said. I started to turn around to talk to the guy I just saved, but stopped short when I felt his foot come up and nail me between the legs. "Oof!" Was all I managed to get out before my legs quit working and my stomach started to churn. "Sorry! I want that djinn equip!" Was all I heard that guy say as I was falling on the ground and could hear Trevor bust out laughing. I sighed and put my head on the ground, knowing I'd recover soon enough and could be on my way to hunting him down and kicking his ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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