seven (♡)

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"Hey!!" I said cheerfully going towards him.

He looked to my direction.

As I was already near him he suddenly said "What do you need?" in a really cold voice.

"Just wanna be friends." i replied

He just then smiled bitterly.

"Arent you the basketball teams captain??" I questioned him.

"So what if I am? What about you arent you one of the cheerers of the other team?" he said also in a questioning manner.

"I am." i said calmly

"Im Nayeon" I introduced myself. asking for a hand shake

"Yoongi" he introduced accepting my hand.

We talked and talked for a really long time about 5 and a half hours to be exact. The sun is already setting.

And due to this I realized coach hasnt arrived yet.

Huh? What could've happened?

Yoongi already left. So I am all alone now.

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