Chapter 2: new school

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The next morning, Cera was jumping on my bed to wake me up. She was the one who love to get up super early in the morning and I was the one who stayed up really late. I didn’t understand how she could possibly be in such a great mood at 6:30 am; I always need to get in the shower to be fully awake. I didn’t want to get up so I closed my eyes and fell back asleep until Cera jumped up and down on my bed, I groaned in frustration and pushed her off my bed and all I heard was a big thud by the side of my bed. I laughed and rolled to the other side of my bed.

“Don’t make me get the water bucket!” Cera said loudly.

“You wouldn’t.” I said with my tired voice.

“Try me.” She said. Getting off the floor and heading to her bathroom for the water bucket.

I got up instantly and went to the bathroom. I couldn’t believe this morning I was going to start my first day at school in London. I just really wanted to get it over with. Since Cera and I are the same age we had similar classes. I was done getting ready for school, so I walked down to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Mom made chocolate chip waffles and poured me a cup of apple juice.

            It was time to leave and as usual Cera was taking forever, so I warmed up the car. Finally, she came in to the garage with her school bag and we went to school. It was about a five minute drive; once we got there we enter the front office and asked for our schedules. I noticed something odd about our schedules; there were different days for different classes, something else to get used to. Cera and I had no classes together what so ever, I was very disappointed but I had to head to my first class which was Drama class.

            I had got lost on my way to first period; the bell had already rung by the time I had found the classroom which I was trying to avoid so there wouldn’t be any awkward looks. Hard to avoid it now, but oh well. Once I had entered the drama room, all of a sudden every head in the room turned in my direction.

“Hello young lady, may I help you?” Mrs. Aguilera asked in her English accent.

“Yes, I just moved here and this is my first day.” I replied while handing her my schedule.

“Oh right, they have told me I would receive a new student from California. You may take the seat next to Louis Tomlinson over there love.” She said pointing to a boy with and empty seat next to him.

I took my seat next to Louis, who was very welcoming. He introduced himself as soon as I sat down.

“Hey love, I’m Louis Tomlinson.”  He said.

“Hi my name is Kendall Coleman.” I replied

“Nice name, I haven’t really met a Kendall even though it’s sort of a common name.” He smiled.

“Yeah my mother really liked it but I think it sounds like a guy’s name.”  I said.

“No I think it suits you very well.”

“I guess.”

“Oh hey look it is almost time for second period, what is your next class?” Louis asked.

“Umm, History with Mrs. Lewis” I answered.

“Do you know how to get there? If not, I could walk you there. You have it with Liam one of my best mates. I’ll introduce you two so you won’t be lonely.” He said

“Thanks, I would appreciate that.” I said back.

            The bell rang for the end of first period and the warning for second. Louis walked me to second and introduced me to his friend Liam. The bell rang for second period to start and I wasn’t a big fan of learning about the past so I started to listen to music. I was lost in a song until I felt someone tap my shoulder, I thought it was the teacher telling me to pay attention or something but it was Liam trying to get my attention. I pulled the earphones out of my ears and looked at Liam attentively.

“Hey Kendall, what are you listening to?” He asked me.

“Valerie by Amy Winehouse.” I replied

“Ha, that’s a good song,” He told me with a smile. “One of Lou’s favorites.”

I put the earphones back in my ear and before I knew it, it was time for lunch.

Cera and I met up with each other outside on the cafeteria patio. We caught up with each other, asking about how each others classes were while eating. It was just us two sitting together since we didn’t really know anyone. No one really sat outside, I didn’t understand why it was beautiful outside but everyone sat in the cafeteria and ate.

            Then as soon as we had finish talking and eating the bell had rang for the last period of the day. It was my favorite subject, science. It was such a blur, it is like once it started then the bell rang and it was time to go home.

            Anyways, school was over and I was waiting for Cera by my car when someone jumped behind me scaring the crap out of me. It was Louis and Liam with three other guys I didn’t know. They kept me company while I waited for Cera.

“Hey Kendall, how was the first day of school?” Louis asked while Liam nodded with agreement.

“Well it was ok, I’m just glad I made it through.” I replied

“That’s good.”  He said, “Oh let me introduce you to the rest of the lads. That is Harry, Niall and Zayn.” He continued pointing to the boy with curly brown hair then the blond and the one with nicely quaffed hair.

As Cera walked up to me, I felt rude not introducing my best friend to Louis and the lads. “This is my cousin, Cera.” I said and then naming all the boys going down the line.

“Nice to meet you guys.” She said politely shaking each one of their hands.

I could tell she felt awkward so I gestured the guys that we were leaving and got in to the car and drove home.

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