The Blue Whale Game, also known as "Blue Whale Challenge", is a 21st-century social network phenomenon that is claimed to exist in several countries, beginning in 2016. The game reportedly consists of a series of tasks assigned to players by administrators over a 50-day period, with the final challenge requiring the player to commit suicide.
Please, I beg you, if you know of anyone playing this game get them out as quickly as possible. Tell a grown-up or the police. I would not post this if it wasn't true, after seeing a warning like this in another book I looked it up and it's all true.
Watching Their Movies #2
FanfictionThe characters from Mulan, Big Hero Six, Trolls, and Moana gather too watch their movies and each others. Ships: Mulan×Shang GoGo×Hiro Branch×Poppy Bridget×Gristle Moana×Maui