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Raegans pov
I hate party's. There like just so boring some how Kale convinced me to go to one idk how but he did... I'm just gonna wear a tank top and my supercalafragilistic socks! Me and Kale jumped in the car to head down to the party detention of party is literally broken hearts and styrofoam and empty double cups it's so stupid I hopped out of the car and walked into the house there was a tv screen playing Mario kart I didn't wanna play because they would know I would get a head start I looked over to see Justin Freaking Blake literally the definition of a party hater sitting on the wall bored I walked over and grabbed his hand walking outside we talked for a while and ended up fighting
"I'm so sick and tired of staying up to see the break of dawn everybody taking shots people passed out on the lawn this hole thing is broken heart and styrofoam and empty double cups I guess I'm not ordinary but I don't give a What!"
I know it's short but it's because I wrote it while we were driving to Florida so ya!

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