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I saw her everyday for a week.
A month.
A year.

I remembered her.
The cute strand of hair that never went into her ponytail so she tucked it behind her ear.
The way her eyes sparkled in the sunlight.
Her twinkling little bunny smile.
Her soft delicate voice that soothed my heart and echoed in my head for days.
The sweet perfume she always wore that woke me up.
The way she bit her lower lip.
The red and white books she always carried around with her.
The little things.

Everyday i would choose my outfit carefully to make sure it was perfect.
I took care of my hygiene and my hair.
Sometimes i even wore makeup for her.
But she never noticed me.

She worked in the convience store.
I went everyday at exactly 10:47 to eat ramen.
Yet she never noticed it.

Author's Note
Right so this is my first fan fiction, please don't judge it. I'm not a very good writer and I'm also not very good at coming up with original ideas. Hence why this is based upon something else which is too be revealed in a later chapter. Please comment and vote and also share around my story so that other people can read my shitty story xxx

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