Chapter 1: Died, but not really

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          I was just walking home from another day of school, when I felt a grab at my shoulder. I was pulled into a dark alley, and a man in a a mask spit in my face, "I'm sorry girl, but you know too much about us." I knew what he was talking about. The day before, I had heard a group of people talking about a secret society that had been planning on destroying my whole home state of Virginia. I had thought I got away unnoticed, but apparently not. "Don't scream kid." He added as he went to plunge the knife into my gut. I quickly dodge out of the way, but he catches my arm. Pain. Pain like I had never felt before shoots through my body. I pick up a beam of wood, and swing it at the guy, catching him in the leg. He dodges to the side and stabs his knife again, this time catching my temple. I fall to the ground, vision fading, as I attempt to swing at the man again, but my attempt falls short. He is laughing as he walks back into the street.

I wake up in a bed. I quickly look around, surprised to see my own room. I didn't really know what had happened, but I ran the events that I remember through my head. Going home. Creepy guy. Dark Alley. Heard too much. Knife stab. Fight. Pain. Waking up. I didn't know what to make of it. Eventually, I went down stairs, but not before realizing that my shirt had a bloody hole in the front. That confirmed my suspicions that I really had not imagined dying. I put on a new shirt, and went down to the living room. I look at the clock and see that it is 4:00 am. It had been 3:00 pm when I was walking home. I suppose I shouldn't care, what with just having died, but I realize that I have a lot of homework. My bag had been on me when I died, so I had it on when I woke up. I sat at my desk to do my homework for a while, but I couldn't focus on X + Y = 45, when Life + Stabbed = Death, but not quite for me.

When my stepmom comes in to wake me and finds me staring absently at my homework, she is furious. "Where you were last night young lady?!?!? I was calling you, but you didn't listen to me! I thought you died!" Huh, funny mom, because, I did die. I thought sarcastically. "I'm really sorry mom, I was... listening to my music really loud, to drown out anything but the first world war facts." I knew she always forgave me if she thought I was studying. She had married my dad when I was , and I never knew my birth mother. Dad refused to talk about her, not even her name. My stepmom is a college professor, and puts knowledge before almost anything else but family. She has no children of her own, but wants one, and treats me like her own.

"Oh, okay," she says, and I know I'm off the hook. "But you only have a half hour before school starts, including your trip, so get dressed and start walking."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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