How I met her

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Chapter 1

Do you know that moment when you see a beautiful girl walking past you and your mind says " She's the one." Well, that's how I feel about Scarlet Grey. Popularly known for her brown hair that curls like vines , green eyes , gorgeous smile and aren't like other girls. She was different. Everyday I would notice her walking past corridors while books were cradled on her thin arms and glasses that slides down her nose. She is the kind of girl that feeds on knowledge and doesn't mind people judging her. I'm your usual teenage male student. In fact, I am a nerd and not the hot kind that girls talk about all day but the one girls find perfect to place in the cruel place most know as the 'friendzone'. I probably may not have the rights to even think that Scarlet would even like me. She's so beautiful and intelligent while I'm just ...a teen that likes video games and has pretty much no life.During recess, she would be sitting on the bench under the maple tree. Everytime the wind blows, there would be a moment of beauty as the leaves flowed around her and her hair flies behind her freely. Gosh,is she beautiful. I would go around school following her every step so that I wouldn't miss her every second. It sounds crazy scary to have a guy following you around like a shadow but never showing their true face. I was crazy. I am crazy. For her.

        Every night I would sit by the balcony and stare at the mesmerizing night sky. The glittering of stars above and the proud moon that shone brightly. I would find myself smiling on my own when my mind would find it's way to Scarlet. Asking millions of unanswered questions. I don't care if I looked crazy to the passer-bys looking up at me,all I know was that I'm thinking of her. Nothing else matters. I would dream the day I would crown her my queen and hold my own blood and meat. I would just daze on although I know in the end, she wouldn't end up with me. On Wednesday, there was a soccer match between Liverpool and Manchester. I stayed up till morning to see who won. Every time when there's a match, that's the only time that I don't think of her. Well boys will be boys right? Even if that girl is beautiful,soccer comes first bitches!

Thursday morning , what a dread. Urgh. I have to meet that hot shot jock,Jordan Jr. There goes my lunch money. It's funny how a 16 year old was still being bullied. Well I ain't got no balls to fight. He literally needs me because he is always broke as fuck. He probably spends all his money on more cosmetics. That Son of Ken. Today is not gonna be the same. Wasted my bloody time watching last night soccer match and Liverpool lost. Bullock.There he is , Jordan Junior,walking with his bitches by his sides. I avoided any eye contact and kept myself at a safe distance. He saw and marched towards me. He pushed my shoulders roughly, almost making me fall backwards. He stared at me as if he could swallow me whole. Friendly reminder, I don't taste good.


   "Ah! Beautiful morning yeah. So four eyes, you know the usual routine." 

    Didn't he watch last night's match? Does he even know Liverpool lost and I bloody wasted my time? Oh yeah, he probably gave all of his time to those bitches clinging to him like a damn koala. Where does he magically get all the money to pay them. Oh right, that was all my money... Dumb twat. So indirectly, I paid bitches to do him. I couldn't even. No. Just no. My precious ...

   " Couldn't you just give me a damn break? Liverpool just lost and here you are asking me for money? Do you know how much time I wasted on yesterday's match? Do You?!  And leave those bitches alone. Get a life or something.." I frailed my arms as I talked. I literally dramatized my actions. Anger rose as I realised I had said something I shouldn't have said..out loud.

     " Look here midget, I'll let it slide for today. You probably have wasted your money on ribena while watching yesterday's match. But when you said my girlfriends were bitches...You've just introduced a little anarchy, my little friend." He took a few steps closer and leaned towards me. I gulped. A menacing smile spreads across his face as he grapbed me by the neck and pushed my body towards the hard wall. A thud could be heard. Students gathered around and watched me get beaten up by a guy who has nothing better to do. Every punch, every kick and every pain that hit me, I focused myself on Scarlet. I know that it's not the time. Just shush. She takes away my pain away. After a nice beating, I layed on the cement floor and let my body swallow the pain. I closed my eyes slowly when someone rushed towards me. The perfume smelled oddly familiar.

     " Goodness me, are you alright?" I heard her british accent and the smell of her strawberry scent. She's here.

     " Gosh.. You're bleeding. Come on. I'll help you. Lean on me and I'll lead you to the infirmary." I followed her words. My ribs literally hurt. I wanted to save my pride and said I'm fine but the excruciating pain wouldn't let me. I ended up going to the hospital. Yay me. Curiosity killed the cat but anger beats you half to death. As for Scarlet, she stood by me till my eyes opened. Shouldn't it be the opposite ?...So that she would fall in love with me but instead I fell in love with her. My eyes peeked open and was greeted by her green warm eyes and her gentle hands as she holds in between hers. I couldn't describe how happy I was. She saw me and I saw her.

     " Thank you for helping me. I appreciate your help, Scarlet."

     " Don't mention it really. W-wait..How do you know my name? Are you that guy who follows me around? The nerd that plays video games and has no life?" Her words sting a little and it made me blush. I couldn't escape reality. Now people, I know I could lie and just slide through the doors of pride or enter the door that might lead to infinity amount of lieceptions.Yes I made that up. I'll let that thought sink in. I wouldn't chose the latter. I couldn't even lie to my cat....for goodness sake.

     " You're my classmate during History class and I will admit that I stalked you for awhile now. I'm sorry for scaring you a-and...I like you." I closed my eyes, waiteing for her to slap me but nothing happened. I peep open and saw her shocked. This was no where good. No. Not at all. Shit.

       " But I like you too."She replied with her soft british accent. I could feel my heart skipped a beat. This was a dream. I know it's a dream. She's just playing with my thoughts. She must've have been one of them. I couldn't let anyone know my secret. I'm screwed.

      " You're Charlie Bane. You were caught multiples of times. Your black tee, grey cardigan and blue jeans. Your raven hair that falls beneath your eyebrows. Moves like silk everytime you run away. Your blue eyes that.....matches perfectly with my green eyes...I-I'm so sorry. I didn't know what hit me. What...ughh." She ran away embarrassed. Well I guess even a guy like me gets lucky sometimes. After that incident, She became my best friend , my girlfriend and my fiancee. We eventually fell in love and grew fond of each other. During our wedding day, she walked down the aisle with her diamond dress and her perfect smile. I fell in love with her again and again. That moment when I put the ring on her finger, she became my wife. All those years of doubts. I was married to the girl I stalked,Scarlet Dani Grey. Sounds weird doesn't it? Well happiness do happen unexpectedly.







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