Chapter 1 - Beat of the Soul

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"I don't think I'll ever get used to that's creepy as hell when its mouth bleeds...why does its mouth bleed?" Kotone shuddered, the sounds of their footsteps against the stone path reverberated through the silence of the darkened town.

Shortly before midnight in the middle of Death City, Moon stepped up next to her weapon partner, her lips almost curving up into an amused smile as she lifted her head up to the sky. "Really? I don't think it looks bad at all." She said with a slight hum in her voice.

"You really think so-" A brief pause. "Ah. I'm sorry."

Moon paused in her footsteps and brushed a lock of purple hair out of her face before closing her eyes, "For such a lively city, this place sure is quiet at night." In the darkness of the open space, Moon heard a cat stirring from its sleep in the alley near them, the wind gently blowing through plastic trash bags and broken glass bottles. The air felt heavy.

"Can you sense anything?" She heard Kotone ask, standing beside her.

Moon opened her eyes and her eyebrows creased, trying to focus the flashes of light in her vision into distinguishable shapes and objects. The blobs of blue light gathered together and spread out like a wave from her body in the plane of nothingness and hung like fireballs in a suspended space of the scattered areas. "Human souls." She stated, with a hint of irritation. "Nothing out of the ordinary, but I still can't distinguish certain souls well."

"I wish Lord Death would let us go to places outside of Death City." Kotone groaned, rubbing her hands on her arms, "Nothing much happens here, and we're stuck in remedial lessons on top of that!"

"Can't be helped, we have the lowest soul-collection in the entire E.A.T. class." Moon turned to Kotone. "If you have time to complain then you have time to help me find Naigus." She sighed.

Death City, she realized, was big. It had taken a substantial amount of time for Moon to create a memory map of the city when she first came to study at the DWMA and even now she still had trouble finding certain places to shop for groceries.

Moon liked walking around the city during the day, she could perceive objects a little clearer and study the souls of others when her eyes became tired. But nighttime was when she would rather stay home reading books in the library than complete remedial lessons, or sleep.

They only had one hour to find Naigus, instructor of martial arts and specialized in intelligence gathering. But Moon was hopeful as Naigus was the type of teacher who was passionate about students attending the DWMA, it was possible that Naigus could very well keep them from being expelled from the academy. On the other hand, it was possible that remedial lessons with Naigus would potentially end their enrollment at the DWMA, due to her cold and cynical demeanor. The thought of possible expulsion caused Moon's chest to tighten.

A warm, furry creature suddenly brushed up against Moon's legs, startling her slightly. Her heart beating wildly in her ears. "Apollo! You scared me!" She yelped, jumping away from her dog.

Apollo let out a whine and placed his head under her outstretched hand and Moon breathed out a sigh.

"Did you find anything?" She asked with a shaky breath.

"He's not doing or saying anything so I don't think so." Kotone replied, bending down to Apollo's level.

"Our hour is almost up I hope that-!"

An almost inaudible but quiet kshh from afar, sliced through the heavy air. Moon turned her head barely enough that a small, sharp object pierced across her cheek, scratching a layer of the skin off. A burning sensation erupted on her left cheek and she quickly whipped her head in the direction of the thrown knife.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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