Fourteen | video

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As she jogged back to the house, Aaliyah took a deep breath. It was six in the afternoon, and she had decided to go for a run an hour before that. The sun wasn't fully setting yet, the sky was starting to turn into an orange color. Liking how it looked, she took a quick picture of it and posted it on to her SnapChat and Instagram stories.

She got back to the house, in desperate need of a shower. She had been out running for an hour. Everyone seemed to be doing their own thing, the house particularly quiet. She walked down the hall, towards the stairs, and made her way to her room. There was a smell of cologne in the hall upstairs, meaning that one of the boys was going out.

She walked into the room she was sharing with Elom, disappointed when he wasn't in there. She, surprisingly, hadn't seen him the whole day. Aaliyah caught herself needing him around, something that was unusual for her.

Aaliyah is the type of person that doesn't always feel like she needs someone to look after her. She would miss someone, but wouldn't feel like she needed them. It was a different feeling, but that was because her feelings for Elom were something she never felt before.

Her only being 15 she's only had one other boyfriend before, Alan. And in those 6 months they were together, she never developed the feelings for Alan that she did for Elom in the two weeks they had been in LA. That had to mean something.

She grabbed a towel and showered, changing into some black soffe shorts and a t-shirt after. She slipped on a pair of her Nike socks and cleaned up her room, since it was kind of a mess.

As she did that, Elom walked in. He was dressed to go somewhere. Aaliyah glanced at him, admiring how good he looked in his light wash jeans and white "Lamborghini" polo.

"I'm going out with Zion," he informed her.

She felt kind of bummed that she couldn't spend time with him. But she got over it, because that's his brother and he needs to spend time with him. It was extremely selfish of her to think she should be the one to spend everyday with him.

She didn't want to ask where he was going, even though she was wondering. She wanted him to tell her himself, but he never mentioned it.

Him going out also gave Aaliyah time to hang out with Edwin. He didn't have any plans either, so they sat in the living room and watched old movies that they used to watch when they were younger.

Despite having no plans, she felt content that her and Edwin were spending more time together. She dreaded the day that she would have to go back home. She missed having him around.

When eleven o'clock rolled around, she was laying in bed on her phone. She was scrolling through Twitter, when she saw a video that an update account for the boys had posted.

It was a video from one of the boys' friend's snaps. It was Zion milly rocking to a lil uzi song, with Elom in the background standing over by one of their other friends. They were standing side by side in conversation, and towards the end of the video it looked like he was going in for a hug. It wasn't anything horrible, but it still kind of made her mad.

Mainly because of Elom not telling her he was going to a party, but she also got herself worked up over the girl next to him. She thought up scenarios in her head, making her feel worse.

That was something she always seemed to do, but she couldn't help it. She hoped and hoped that nothing had happened. Sure they weren't officially together, but by then she hoped he felt the same way towards her as she did towards him. She wouldn't want to lose what they had going.

When Elom and Zion got home Aaliyah was still awake. She didn't want to talk to Elom about anything, she turned around so he wouldn't see she was awake.

Elom knew she was awake,though. He could tell by the way that she was breathing. When she slept she took peaceful deep breaths, something she wasn't doing. He walked towards her, leaning over to plant a kiss on her cheek. "Hey baby."

She lifted her hand, giving him a wave. Elom sighed, and changed before getting into bed. He knew that she was hung up on something, but he didn't want to deal with it at that moment.
Instead he called it a day, and let himself drift into sleep.

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