Titty Boy

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I was shocked to say the least. I couldn't imagine going out of my way to interact with someone in that way. I could have sworn that I was done looking for romance. They do say that you find what you're looking for as soon as you stop looking. I can't assume that he's exactly what I'm looking for, but I can't deny that I'm attracted to him. It's been a long time since being with anyone, and an especially long time since sharing my interests with a man.

I stared at his name that was programmed into my phone wondering when I should call. It was only 8:45 in the morning and I couldn't be sure if he was awake. Whelp, if he isn't I'll leave a voicemail. He answered on the second ring, I felt pretty proud about that, don't know why.


"Oh, hey. It's Herum, from yesterday. Oh shoot, I said I was gonna text you. I'm sorry". He chuckled, it was so cute.

"It's okay. I'm just glad that you contacted me".

"Yea, I said I would. Do you have any plans for today?" Of course my voice just had to crack making me sound a little too meek for my comfort.

"Oh, um I'm just moving some furniture into my new apartment with my friends."

"I can help!" Calm down Herum, calm down.

"You don't have to. We just met, I don't want to put you to work like that".

"Really, It would be my pleasure". Silence buzzed on the line before he agreed. Alright, now all I have to do is look good, yet still casual enough to lift furniture. Ah I forgot to ask where to meet him, I'll just text him to send me his address. I need to get ready quickly! I was giddy. It's been far too long.

I threw on some joggers and a tight t-shirt that showed off my muscles. Looking pretty good if I do say so myself. I grinned in the mirror like a fool. Daddy looks good. I rolled my eyes at my childish thoughts. Maybe I'm allowed to be a little carefree, I am pursuing someone so young after all.

I grabbed a chilled coffee out of my fridge since I wouldn't be making it to the coffee shop and I had no time to brew some. Snatching my keys off of the counter I made my way towards Angelo's place. Wow, I'm going to the house on the first date, I feel so ... scandalous. I chuckled again, I'm so stupid.


Damn. He looked so good. He was only in a white top with some grey sweat pants, but every aspect of him screamed take me. Am I just horny? I groaned in my car, telling myself to stop being inappropriate.

"Hey Gigi!" His friend threw a set of pillows at him. I rose a brow at the newfound name.

"So, Gigi is it?" He turned to me with a bright smile on his face.

"You made it!" He opened both arms that were cushioned with pillows engulfing me in a soft hug.

"Of course I did ... Gigi". He blushed and hit my side with a pillow.

One his friends, who I forgot the name of, had no problem embarrassing him further. "Oh you don't even know the half of it. That's better than titty boy." My eyebrows rose in questioning.

"Tonyyy", he wined tucking his head into the pillows. Awwww, he's so cute when he's embarrassed. I laughed making him burry his head further.

"Awww, come on. It's okay. You can explain later". He huffed and motioned me towards the truck. Tony and I grabbed a twin mattress while he ran inside to set the pillows down and help carry the other items out of the truck. Everything else looked very masculine except for the couch and the pillows to go with it. I could only imagine that it was Angelo's decision. It made me smile when my thoughts were confirmed as he came out telling Jace and Jamal to set his couch down gently.

Angelo seemed to be carrying all of the light items, made me wonder if his friends did that on purpose. He seemed more than able to carry heavy items. I was going to call him over to help with a dresser, but Jamal quickly came to help before I could even open my mouth. Once we got the dresser inside I asked them if there was a reason that they didn't let Angelo carry anything heavy. They all just shrugged and said they didn't notice they were doing it. I wondered if they always treated him so delicately.

I walked over to see him unpacking a box of dishes. He looked up at me with a shy smile on his face. It was easy to understand why they treat him this way. He looks too pure when he's relaxed. I bent down to help him take the dishes out of the box. "So, you wanna explain titty boy to me?"

"Oh gosh." He flamed up again. "Well, I had gotten really drunk at a party, and my nipples were just extremely hard. I was a little chubby at the time as well and so my friends kept coming by and pinching my nipples and slapping my chest, which probably only kept my nipples harder. Anyways I was drowning shots and someone yelled out "go titty boy", and it just kind of stuck. I only get called that name when I go to parties, even if I don't drink or do anything, people still love to call me titty boy."

I pushed my bottom lip out. "That sounds so sad, I was expecting something completely different".

"Like what?"

"I don't know, I thought you were caught trying to lick your own nipple or something". He grinned and shrugged his shoulders. "You've tried it haven't you?"

"Oh come on, don't tell me you haven't". I shook my head laughing. Tony called out for our help with the rest of the items. We smiled at each other on the way to the truck. I liked being around him, I hoped for more opportunities to see him.

 I liked being around him, I hoped for more opportunities to see him

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Will this story be finished by Christmas, who knows? I'm going to try, but if not I won't beat myself up over it. Hope ya'll are enjoying!

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