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Tzuyu's Pov

"Tzuyu can we talk?"... Jungkook oppa said.. Aigoo Why is my heart like this?..
By the time we went to the rooftop... Silence came.. It's really awkward... he's like standing there looking at the sun.. Oh come on! We still have classes to attend to... I took a glance at my watch and it's time to go now... I need to get his attention so we can talk... Good thing I did the coolest way to get his attention...

"Ehem".. He looked at me, Success!! HHAHHHAHA
"Umm.. You said you wanted to talk... And now we're here so what is it? We have bussiness to do you know..."
"Ohh... Sorry about that" He said while holding his nape. Okay... Act normal tzuyu, stay cool... Take a deep breath *inhale* *exhale*
He still remained silent... And he's staring at me.. Weirdo!
"So??..." I'm waiting for an answer kookie!! Wait kookie? Where the hell did got that nick-
"Stay away from mingyu..."
"Wha- What?"
"You heard me.. Stay away from him" He said coldly
"And why would I do that?" Seriously! He's such a nice guy, and he's my friend
"Stay away tzuyu... You don't know him"
"Why? Do you? He's one of my friends and you want me stay away? What are you my mom?"
"I know him better than you"

After that he just walked away, so much drama😒😒😒... I should be the one who walked away, but he was faster than me



I ran as fast as I could and then....

"Ahh Ms. Chou, Can you please explain why are you late and sweating?"

Aish~ I knew this was gonna happen...

"I don't want to hear a single word Ms. Chou! It looks like you and Mr. Jeon will be in detention for 3 hours!" He said while looking at jungkook..
What the?!?! I was only 6 minutes late? I'm really dead if jihyo unnie finds out...


Finally lunch time, I can finally be with my unnies... But suddenly someone caught my attention... Jungkook. His eyes are shut down, he must be tired... He doesn't wanna eat? all of my classmates are in the cafeteria... But he's... he's all alone... Should I join him?... I mean I'm his friend right??

Few moments later I caught myself staring at him... I mean he's really handsome.. If you look closely he really looks like an angel.. I stared at him for a moment... All the way from his eyes, down to his nose, and tjen to his lips... His lips are so pink, makes me want to kis-

"Stop staring tzuyu Or else I'll melt" He said while his eyes still closed. He caught me staring at him OMO!!. I quickly turn around, I can feel my face burning.. Take a deep breath tzuyu! *Inhale* *Exhale*...

"Aww... You're so cute when you're blushing"
"I-I'm not b-blushing.. You are" My back is still facing him..
"Me? And why would I blush tzuyu? Just admit it that yo-"

I quickly ran away out of the classroom and bumped into chaeyoung... Great tzuyu😒

"Why're you running? Is there someone chasing you? Where?!"
"Chill down chae chae unnie, no one is chasing me.. I'm just running away"
"From who?" Who am I running away from? Who?! who?! Who?! Think tzuyu think!
"Umm.. Away from.. Uh"
"Hey guys!!!!!!" Oh! Jihyo unnie.. Thank god she's here🎉🎊
"Let's go"
"Where are we going jihyo unnie?"
"Umm.. To the cafeteria? Did you hit your head or something tzuyu?"
"Uhh.. Yeah right.. Sorry" Stupid tzuyu!

Chae Chae unnie is busy with her phone.. And she seems suprised "I'll catch up unnie, I need to go somewhere" Chaeyoung unnie said
"Where you going chaeyoung?"
"Somewhere, I'll tell you later"
"Oh.. okay by-"
"Okay bye guys!!" She said while waving goodbye running away from us... She seems like in a hurry.. Maybe something is wrong?.... Nah not my problem

"Let's go tzuyu? chaeyoung left us"
"Let's go!!"

Chaeyoung's Pov

There is an audition that I need to attend to... I need to pass that audition in order forme to jointhe music club!. I'm with my friends somi and natty. The audition starts at 11:00 am, and it's already 11:09.. Shoot I'm late!


"My gosh somi keep your voice down!"
"Sorry chaeyoung, whatcha' doin?"
"Are you blind?"
"I'm not blind I can see that you're drawing again"
"Good then, you're not blind"
"What's with you and drawing?"
"What? It's not that bad" Is there something wrong with my drawings? Is it that bad? Maybe your eyesight is bad, I really worked hard for this drawing

"K!.. Btw I know that you love music more than drawing.. And I know that you love rapping and you write your own lyrics"
"Who told you that?!"
"Secret!! Anyways I'm going to join the music club with natty you comin'?"
"No I'm just kidding"
"Shut up!"
"Are you gonna join too? We can go all together" It took me a few seconds to respond.. I need to think about it.. I love music but I love arts also... But she's right I love music more than drawing so...
"Count me in!"
"Really? Well then, meet me at the music room, the audition will be held there"
"Remember you should be there at 11:00 am sharp ... I heard that the president is strict when it comes to auditions.. So you need to get there in time"
"Well better be late than never!"
I can pass this audition, well I survived sixteen this is just a small audition.. I can do this.. How hard can it be??

'How hard can it be?'

Flashback ends~~~~~

Now I'm sweating.. Time check.. 11:15.. Shoot I'm late, I cam see the music room I can make it!

Before going in, I took a deep breath and whispered
"Chaeyoung fighting~"
I went in, just in time for roll calls
"Son Chaeyoung?"
"Here!" I made it finally🎉🎊 For the first time in forever🎶🎶
"You're 18 minutes late, for your information our club is strict when it comes to time.. We will let this slide because you're auditioning and a newbie so just consider this as a warning"
"I'll try to keep that in mind and I'm sorry"
"Good". What's wrong with this guy? It's just only 18 minutes.. Be angry if its hours jeez😒

I can see somi and natty. Somi is waving at me while pointing to an empty seat next to her, meanwhile natty is taking a deep breath, I can see that she's nervous. There's no available seat so sitting next to somi it is🎉🎊

"I thought I told you to come here in time!"
"And I thought I told you be late than never? look the important thing is that I made it okay? atleast I came"
"Alright" She said while rolling her eyes. What's with people and time today? Is it that important?! Aish~~

"Okay so everyone is here, allow me to introduce myself my name is Dong Young Bae or you can call me Taeyang, I'm already in a relationship so don't think about dating me". Jeez nobody is gonna date you ya' know!

"Just like what I said earlier, we are strict when it comes to time, you better watch out. The audition will be judged by our president, our president is none other tha-". That taeyang was cutted off by a man with sunglasses, he looks familiar.. He stand next to taeyang, he must be a member of the club

"You were saying?" the guy with sunglasses said, pfftt...what's his deal?

"Uhh.. Yes". Taeyang seems scared? Why?
"Just like what I said earlier our president is none other than, min yoongi, or should I say...."

Don't tell me he's...

He take off his sunglasses... I can't believe this It's really him...

"Or should I say Suga.."

His eyes landed on me, he looks confused just like me... Why does he have to be the president.. Perhaps this is destiny? No! It can't be... We meet again..

'Suga oppa'


Hi guys😂❤❤

Sorry for not updating.. Really sorry... I'm just running out of ideas.. I need a motivation, an inspiration

Anyways what do you think of this chapter?? Feel free to comment down below or you can just vote for me to know that you liked it... And that's it😂😂


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2018 ⏰

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