Chapter 3 - ALL ALONE!

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(It starts off with Lightning Flash and Crystal Flare standing in the living room arguing)

Crystal: Lightning I am gonna need to get a new phone!

Lightning: You can't leave me here by myself!

Crystal: Lightning I need to go and get a new phone! How else are we gonna contact Fluttershy and Rarity!

Lightning: But Crystal Fla!-

Crystal: Just put up the force field and uh... Good luck... I promise even if you do get captured i'll come and save you! And be sure to vlog everything!

Lightning: Crystal Flareeeeeeeeeee!!... Great now i'm home alone!!! Just what I haying needed!! Oh snap!! Hi guys it's me Lightning Flash this december is not going well at all! I think that a lot of chaos is happening and Starlight and Trixie is trying to get me since it's the holidays and all!! I originally wanted to be with Fluttershy and Rarity but they decide to go to the mountains and leave me here all alone with Crystal Flare! That wasn't even a good idea to begin with!! I thi-

(You start to hear noises)

Lightning: What was that?!

(Vannacherry appears in the house holding a cherry cake up to his mouth)

Vannacherry: Hi cherryhead

Lightning: Vannacherry?! What are you doing in my house!!

Vannacherry: It's getting near the jolly good old holiday season! So I just wanted to give you a special little cherry cake!

Lightning: Is this about the quiz?! NO!!!

Vannacherry: Listen here Lightning, Please eat the cherry cake. I worked really hard on it.

(Vannacherry holds a bat)

Vannacherry: Besides you said in your quiz video that you were gonna take me down!! So i'll take you down first!!

Lightning: ...DAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

(Lightning Flash flies away to the snow screaming extremely high pitched in a funny way)

Lightning: Great! Now i'm out in the open! This is definitely not a super dangerous idea at all!!! This is the best idea i've ever had oh my goodness!!! Great now... It's cold out here... Ugh!... I have no friends and all I have is you guys... At least you guys will always be here for me right?... *Sighs* I wonder where Vannamelon is right now... She always knows how to cheer me up... Brrr it's so cold. Whoa look I see a random piece of pizza out here. That's not completely random at all.

(It skips to the scene to where you see Starlight and Trixie is in their house)

Starlight: We need a new plan Trixie!

Trixie: Hmm... What if we sneak into his house at nighttime and capture him then. Because he'll be fast asleep and if we act fast he won't know what hit him.

Starlight: Hmm yeah I like that idea... We even have the sleep schedule of Lightning Flash so we can find out all the times that he fell asleep and we can reach him then.

Coco: Starlight and Trixie can we help?

Maud: Yeah we're pretty bored.

Trixie: Sure the more the... Merrier! *Laughs*

(Du Dum Tsss)

Trixie: Get it?

Coco: Haha good one!

Starlight: Or even better... What if we try to lure him in with a truck filled with water!

Trixie: Are you sure he would fall for that?

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