chapter 3

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Flare was on his way home from college when he decided to surprise his little brother by stopping by at his school.  It took him a good few minutes to get to Zares school.  By the time he had got there it was lunch time.  After ckecking himself in at the office he went down to the cafetira all he saw was somebody slump to the ground unconscious.

Russhing to the boys side the first thing that he attempted was to put the boys hands above his head.  As soon as he tuched him his eyes snaped open.  The boys eyes were an unnatural with the "white" of the eyes being  black and his eyerises being white.

Flair stumbled back as the boy he now new as Damein attempted to stand but failing and landing hard on the ground.  "Curs this week body!" Damein said in an unnatural low voice.  "I need to get to him!  Work you stupid lages!"  He was shouting.  I tenitvly pit my hands on his shulders and gently pushed the boy back down into my lap. As I did so he looked up at me his eyes filling with rage that someone even daired to tich him.  "Unhand me!" The voice said that demanded attention and respect said I just smiled and forced him back down and replied that I couldent just let him leave with a posibal concusion and that I was taking him to the nerus and that arguing was pointless.  I looked up at two of the guys that were sitting at the table to help me git him to the neruses office.  They willing did so and told me that they got it.  I nodded and continued to look for my little brother.

When the room returend to normal I looked for my little brother I found him sitting in the farthest table with only oneother person sitting at it.  As I got closer I notised little things how he quickly put most of his lunch in his bag, and only ate small nibbles of his food.  As I continued to walk he must have notised me because he slipped down his sleves and puled up his hud for his jacket.  As I neared the table Zare looked up just enough to see who was comming not reveling his face.  The next thing I knew I had my little brother plasters to my body.  We stayed like this for a while.  Zare turend to the girl that sat at the table that looked like what we had done was completely normal and not completely overdrametic.

saved by a dragon (boy x boy)Where stories live. Discover now