Chapter 3

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A:N// Sorry that it took me so much time to update this story. I got distracted by life, but now I'm back for a while. Hope you still enjoy reading!

~Ronnie's Point of View~

      Directing the new kid all over school hadn't been as rough as I had first pictured it to be. Sure, he was a little quiet, but throughout the day he slowly started opening up to me. We have more in common than I thought we did. For example, he's low key sarcastic. He had fun making sarcastic remarks about certain teachers under his breath. For example, he called Mr. Manson a raccoon under his breath because Manson wears too much eyeliner, and he called Mr. Way his fairy gay mother. He had been making me laugh hard all day long, and I was thinking about inviting him back to the apartment to chill with a few of the boys and me later tonight.  

The final bell rang, and I led Jacky back to his locker. "Hey, so umm.. if you want to come chill with a couple of my guy friends and I tonight to watch the football game, and hang out I can come pick you up whenever" I offered while looking into his bright blue eyes. He looked so lost and confused, so I thought that I should clarify myself. "I'm not always an asshole to everybody around me. It's just something about this school that brings it out of me. Plus, I think that you're chill, we have a lot in common that  I just simply don't share with my other friends. For example, we both turn to music to escape the world around us."

"No, I knew what you meant. I'm just not sure. No offense but your friends seem like a bunch of hype men that would get you amped up enough to be a complete asshole to me again. So, I'm thinking about saying no, truthfully." Jacky explained while putting some of his books into his bookbag before shutting his locker, obviously having homework.

"Let me prove you wrong. Come over tonight, and if I start acting like an asshole you can go back to being radio silence with me. You can even go away from me completely considering that I'm sure that Seaman would be happy to show you around if I'm an asshole to you tonight. I just want you to come because I'm pretty sure that the guys would enjoy your snarky remarks just as much as I do, please? I'll even help you with homework. It must be hard adjusting to living here, and the coursework at this high school is tough. I'm a straight-A student, even though I don't show it. Please, Jacky? I just want to be your friend." I practically begged while walking with him out to our cars. 

"Text me your address and I'll think about it." He said while getting into his car, and turning it on. I could hear the tunes of Metallica blasting through his stereo, reminding me of why I wanted him to be my friend so bad.

"Think hard." I said with a smile before texting him the apartment's address, and watching him drive off in the opposite direction. I sat in the parking lot, pondering this new possible friendship before I drove back to the apartment.

It wasn't until I had finally gotten inside that I realized just how dirty the apartment was, with empty beer cans laying about, bras in the plants, and spoiled food sitting on my kitchen counter. If it wasn't for the fact that Jacky might be coming over, I would have left my apartment in this array, but something about that made me start deep cleaning the entire space. I not only threw out the trash, but I sorted the bras into my dresser, and scrubbed literally every area that your eyes could see. I also changed the sheets on my bed for the first time in a few years, because you never know what could potentially go on. 

That's when I heard my doorbell ring, fixing my shirt and hoping that it wasn't Jacky yet, I went to go answer it. To my pleasant surprise, it was only Max who decided to come early. Max had been my best friend for ages, ever since we had found out that we shared the same birthday at a Battle of the Bands in middle school. He was by far my most chill friend and he knew how to get me back on track when I majorly messed up. 

"Woah bro, you actually cleaned this place?" Max asked in wonder as he leaned against the kitchen counter. "What's the special occasion? Got a few chicks coming over or something?"

"Actually, I just, invited Jacky to come chill with us later tonight, and I didn't want him to think that I was a slob that never cleaned up after myself," I explained while wiping a few drops of sweat from my forehead with my t-shirt.

"Awe man, you got it bad!" Max exclaimed, looking at me with concerned eyes.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked as I took off my shirt, throwing it into one of the laundry baskets so that it could get washed in a little bit. 

"I mean, the only time you ever clean your apartment this though is when you're falling for somebody. That somebody is Jacky. Man, how can you not see this?" Max exaggerated, making huge motions with his hands. That wasn't true, it couldn't be. I had only known Jacky for a day and this isn't fucking Disney Channel, this is real life. People don't fall hard for another person in a matter of hours, it takes longer than that. All I wanted to do with Jacky is simply hang out, and tell him stories that would make him laugh and open up to us more.

"You're crazy, that's impossible. I'm not falling for Jacky, it would never work. He's the shy, quiet kid and I'm me. I'm Mr. Loud, Crazy, and Obnoxious. I need someone who could tame that side of me, not let me walk all over them. Besides, I'm not gay, I couldn't ever like a dude." i explained while finding another clean shirt to put on.

"I don't know who you're trying to convince more, yourself or me." Max said with a snicker. He wasn't right.

Or was he?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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