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His room was covered in stains, mold, glass bottles. His furniture was torn up and growing mildew on it. Lucy didn't seem surprised though. I guess she's used to this.

"OK, look for a small white stuffed doll." She said, walking to her Father's desk. After searching for what seamed like forever, I found a small doll behind some boxes.

"Is this it?" I said, holding it up. She ran over and snatched it out of my hand.

"My little Plue! How did you survive in this dump?!" She said.

"So, where'd you find him?"

"Just behind these boxes." I said, pointing to the boxes that were dusty and moldy. She opened one up and dug through it.

"Beer, beer, cigars, more beer." She said, moving onto another box. She froze when she opened the last box.

"What's wrong?" I asked, looking inside. Inside was a book. I picked it up, but when I did, Lucy ran out of the room screaming. I dripped the book and ran after her.

"I never want to see that book again! Ever! No! Don't! Never show me that book again!" She yelled as I tried comforting her.

"Calm down and tell me what that book is. We can burn it."

"No! Because it'll haunt me in my sleep!"

"What's the book?"

"It's my sister's diary."

"You never mentioned having a sister! There wasn't even one in that picture in your secret room! Where'd your sister come from?!"

"She was like 15 years older than me! She moved out before that picture was taken, and that was her diary. It was mailed to our house with a note saying that she died and that the diary fell into my possesion."

"Well, then that's an honor. What's so terrifying?"

"That she has the most gruesome entries and drawings in there! The drawings are what freak me out the most! Go ahead and look at one for yourself, but stay in that room!" She said, pushing me back.

I went back into the room and opened up the book. The first thing I saw was this:

Under it said, 'I'm watching you

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Under it said, 'I'm watching you. Don't forget it lil' sis.'

That was a little freaky. I flipped through some more pictures and entries. I reached the last page which said this.

'Dear lil' sis,

Yes, I know this diary is a little scary, or even terrifying, but that's not my intention. What I'm basically trying to tell you, is that I'm always there for you, dead or alive. I just thought that, if I could scare this into your head, then you'd remember forever because you seem to remember everything you're scared of. I'm sorry if I went to far, but I love ya.'

That's what it said, but it had no name. Makes me wonder if Lucy remembers it. 

I placed the book back and went back to Lucy who was asleep on her bed. I sat next to her and stared at her. Her cuts have been healing, and her skin isn't as pale now. She was growing stronger.

I lied down after a while and slept right next to her. All I dreamt about was a peaceful life. But the more I dreamt, the more I realized that a peaceful life, was the life I had before I met Lucy. A peaceful life, is an empty life. So, when Lucy joined my life, it went from Peaceful, to Pure Gold.

I love ya Lucy.


Hey Guys! So, this sounds like a good ending to a book right?





































































No, what I wanted to say was that I won't be posting for maybe the next two or so days for personal reasons. No, this book is not ending anytime soon. (At least I hope it isn't.) I love all of your support in this book and I would like to thank you all! The funny thing was that right after I posted the previous chapter in this book, I got 51 notifications 5 MINUTES AFTER I POSTED! THAT'S CRAZY! So thank you all! See you when I get back! 


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