The date

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By the time it was night you know they were watching news then frisk went home and sans said goodbye as soon as she left. It was morning.
Frisk: Ahh what a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing. Flowers are blooming on days like this kids like me should be going outside! I'll catch up with Sans Kay mom.
Toriel: Sure thing my child have fun pls be careful.
Frisk: Yes mom!
(While frisk was walking she was so confused what happened last night while saying in her own mind)
Frisk: (hmm I wonder why would azzy and Chara were kissing naked nah I'll just forget about it.)
Sans: Hey kiddo wanna go to Grillby's huh?
Frisk: Umm yeah sure thing hmm. (Now that is sarcastic but sans was still able to go with frisk in Grillby's poor frisk I wonder what is going on we will find out.)~author
Sans: Hey kiddo what's wrong huh?
Frisk: N-Nothing I think we should.
Sans: We should stop hanging out.
Frisk: No why sans?
Sans: Let us just stop hanging out with each other. (Runs)
Frisk: But we're frie... (Crys)
Frisk: I better go home. (Walks home)
Toriel: Hello my child is everything ok?
Frisk: Umm y-yes mom (sniff runs to room)
Sans: I do like the kid but what have I done I better go to Tori's house (runs)
Sans: Knock Knock
Toriel: Who's there?
Sans: It's me Sans! Sans the skeleton.
Toriel: Ok you can come in.
Sans: Where's the kid I need to talk to her pls.
Toriel: She's in her room you want me to do anything.
Sans: No need thank you tori.
Sans: Kiddo!
Frisk: Who's there?
Sans: Just open the door pls...
Frisk: Alright fine (Opens the door)
Sans: Kiddo I'm so sorry.
Frisk: You mean it?
Sans: Yes!
Frisk: come in my room!
Sans: Umm okay kid.
And finally they both kissed what a nice story thank you for reading vote pls or you'll float too... The one where Frisk was sarcastic she was really shy to tell sans she has a crush on him so there you go guys but I will make chapter four 👍🏻.

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