Chapter 3: Another coincidence ?

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About 30 minutes later, I finish getting everything I need. I push my half-filled cart to the nearest cashier desk I see. Luckily, I find one with only one costumer, and guess who that was? It was Justin. Gosh, what have I ever done bad? Why are you putting me in the situation again?

I look to the other cashier desks, they’re all full. Well, I guess I have no choice. Unless I want to stand there for 3 more hours.

I push my cart behind him and stand there hoping he wouldn’t see me. He starts looking around; I hide my face with my phone pretending that I’m checking it. But I totally fail, because now, were officially looking at each other.

I think my face is red again.

Justin’s POV:

I giggle to myself as I walk to the aisle she pointed to. Diana. She’s cute, I like how her face turned red.

I scan the shelf looking for my body wash, until I find it. Ahh, my blue AXE body wash, finally. I grab it and walk my way to the cashier counter, thinking of Diana. Wait, what? What is she doing in my head? Why am I thinking about her? What?!

Eh, well. I have to admit that she’s gorgeous. She’s actually very beautiful. But still, why am I thinking about her?

I shake my head slightly trying to get her out of my mind, as I wait for the person in front of me to finish. For no reason, I take a quick glance behind me, I can see the regular view of the supermarket, and my bodyguard’s shoulder, I check if the person in front of me is done yet, but obviously, not.

I sigh in frustration. I want to go back to my hotel room, it’s been a long ass week. I would really use a warm shower right now.

Two minutes later, the man next to me is finally finished. I was about to put my stuff on the counter, but I turn around and my eyes catches her. Diana.

I smile. I don’t know why, but I smile by the sight of her. But why is she holding her phone so close to her face? That’s pretty weird. A second later, she moves the phone away from her face when she notices that I’m staring. She puts a small lock of her hair behind her ear, and flashes her pearly smile to me.

It feels like I’m melting, she’s so beautiful. Everything seems to move in slow motion, like in movies. It sound corny, but it’s true. All I really wanted to do right now is tha-...

Sir? Sir? ” The high-pitched voice of the cashier lady interrupts my thoughts about Diana.

I turn my gaze to her, and steal a quick glance back to Diana, then looking back at the lady. I put my stuff on the counter, smiling like an idiot. I don’t know why I’m smiling, but I am. It’s like I’ve never seen a girl before. Damn.

I pay for my stuff and walk away from the counter, as I watch Diana push her trolley forwards, and start putting her stuff on the counter.

Every move she does made her more beautiful. She grabs the products and sits them on the counter; she seems to have a lot of things.

A crazy idea hits my mind. I drop the plastic bags in my hands and walk to her.

I pick some things from her trolley and place them on the counter.

“You really don’t have to do this” She says with her soft voice, it sounds like a beautiful melody.

“I’m just helping you, like you helped me find thebody wash” I tell her smiling. She smiles back, making me melt again.

“Thank you” She says.

We keep putting things on the counter, until the trolley in empty. I try to pay for her, just trying to be a gentleman, but she insists to pay herself.

I grab some of the bags with her, and then we walk to her car. The wind blowing between her brown locks as she opens the car trunk.

She's so goddamn mesmerizing.

After we put all the bags in, I shut the trunk closed.

“Thank you very much Justin” She says as she leans her back in the car playing with her keys.

“No problem” I say still smiling like an idiot. Ugh what’s happening to me when she’s around?

We spend a while staring at each other, then I move my hand and open the driver door for her. She giggles thanking me as she gets in the car.

Should I ask for her number? No, she’ll think I’m some sort of creep. Should I ask if I can see her again? No, she’ll think I’m some sort of a creep too. Eh, I’ll just let it go. I don’t want to though; I just don’t want to bother her.

I shut the door closed, she starts the car.

“Bye Justin. Thanks again” She says.

God! I’ve never heard someone says my name so beautifully.

I give her a little salute, as I back off away from  the car. I watch her as she drives away. I sigh.

Diana”. looking down, I say her name quietly for myself. OK, I don’t know why I did that.

I garb my plastic bag and walk to my white Audi.

I start the car and drive back to the hotel which is about 3 blocks away, thinking of nothing but Diana.


Thank you for whoever is reading, you guys are amazing. :)

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